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Since 1066 the blood of many other races has been added to the original English mixture. Not only have Welsh, Scots and Irishmen made their homes in England, but also Jews, Russians, Germans—people from almost every country in Europe—as well as many West Indians, Indians: and others from the Commonwealth (英联邦).

As the English are such a mixed people, local customs and accents in England vary a great deal and local pride. is still strong in some parts of the country. Both Leonard Townsend and Herbert Perkins al- ways think of themselves as Northerners, although they have moved to the south. Leonard is as proud of being a Yorkshire man as Iran Macdonald is of being a Scot (苏格兰人).

The closer one gets to London, the less one notices such differences, for London is a melting-pot. People from all over Britain and from all over the world pour into the giant city. London tends to ' melt down' and smooth out strong accents and local customs. Every year the influence of London spreads fur-her and further into the country, north, south, east and west, but particularly into the south and south- east. In an effort to stop London from spreading any more, new overspill towns are being built forty to filly miles outside London. London from are encouraged to move to a new town, or at least to open new branches there instead of in another part of London. This policy is now beginning to have results. Until recently the greater London region had a population of twelve million, but this figure is starting to drop.

Which of the following is NOT the meaning of the sentence "Since 1066 the blood ... "in Para. 1?

A.People from other countries have settled down in England.

B.Many foreigners have died and been buried in England.

C.Foreign people have immigrated into England.

D.People from other countries have become Englishmen.

相关标签: 苏格兰人  

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  • 英国人对音乐十分爱好,苏格兰人的风笛和威尔士人的能歌善舞都_____。填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是()。





  • Since 1066 the blood of many other races has been added to the original English mixture. Not only have Welsh, Scots and Irishmen made their homes in England, but also Jews, Russians, Germans—people from almost every country in Europe—as well as many West Indians, Indians: and others from the Commonwealth (英联邦).

    As the English are such a mixed people, local customs and accents in England vary a great deal and local pride. is still strong in some parts of the country. Both Leonard Townsend and Herbert Perkins al- ways think of themselves as Northerners, although they have moved to the south. Leonard is as proud of being a Yorkshire man as Iran Macdonald is of being a Scot (苏格兰人).

    The closer one gets to London, the less one notices such differences, for London is a melting-pot. People from all over Britain and from all over the world pour into the giant city. London tends to ' melt down' and smooth out strong accents and local customs. Every year the influence of London spreads fur-her and further into the country, north, south, east and west, but particularly into the south and south- east. In an effort to stop London from spreading any more, new overspill towns are being built forty to filly miles outside London. London from are encouraged to move to a new town, or at least to open new branches there instead of in another part of London. This policy is now beginning to have results. Until recently the greater London region had a population of twelve million, but this figure is starting to drop.

    Which of the following is NOT the meaning of the sentence "Since 1066 the blood ... "in Para. 1?

    A.People from other countries have settled down in England.

    B.Many foreigners have died and been buried in England.

    C.Foreign people have immigrated into England.

    D.People from other countries have become Englishmen.

  • 阅读短文,按要求作答。


     据英国历史学家约翰·奥克兰德的《英国文明史》记载,哈德良长城建造于古罗马时期,大约相当于我国秦汉时期。公元43 年,罗马军队入侵不列颠岛,占领了英格兰地区。但由于战线拉得太长已经难以再向北推进,而北方的苏格兰人趁机屡次南犯, 一时形势颇为紧张。此时罗马皇帝哈德良来到英格兰视察,果断下令修建长城,以保卫罗马帝国的占领地。从公元122年起 , 由3 个罗马军团历时6年时间分段筑成了从东海岸泰恩河口至西海岸的索尔韦湾,横贯不列颠岛的全部长度达117公里的城墙,史称哈德良长城。  1600多年来自然侵蚀以及人为的破坏,现存的哈德良长城已成残迹。目前所能看到的长城,西起卡莱尔东到纽-斯尔,全长辨得出痕迹的仅剩下80多公里。 1.英国长城史称 ,建筑于 时期,是人建造的。 2.英国长城东起 ,西至 ,全长 公里。 3.“全长辨得出痕迹的仅剩下80多公里”,联系上下文,从画线的词语可以体会到  。 

  • 英国人对音乐十分爱好,苏格兰人的风笛和威尔士人的能歌善舞都________。填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是:
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