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  • 我家的小园 

     我家的东南边有一块长方形的小园,里面种着各种蔬(sū shū)菜、花草和树木。这里一年四季都是美丽的。  春天到了,大地像铺上了一条绿毯子,园里一片绿油油。一群群小鸟停在树枝上,叽叽喳喳地叫个不停。静静的小园开始热闹(lào nào)起来了。  夏天,成行的向日葵长(zhǎng cháng)得很茁壮,一朵朵金色的花迎着朝阳怒放;火红的石榴花开得十分茂盛,散发出阵阵芳香。一群群蝴蝶翩翩起舞,纵(zòng zhòng)情欢唱。一排排玉米威武地挺立着,结出了硕大的玉米棒了:茄子紫了,西红柿红了,顶花带刺的黄瓜挂满了架。望着这丰硕的果实,使我感到了小园的可爱。  秋天,喇叭花开了,在绿叶丛中伸出一支支粉红色的小喇叭花,正在为小蜜蜂奏着动听的歌。石榴树上的石榴熟了,红色的果皮裂开了,露出了珍珠般的颗粒,好像迎着我咧嘴傻笑。这一切怎能不惹人喜爱?  冬天,一场大雪过后,园里的石榴树披上了白雪,残枝披上了白雪,地上也盖上了厚厚的白雪,整个小园成了银装素裹的白色世界。我情不自禁赞叹道:“好美啊,小园。”  小园如此娇美,真是一幅诱人的四季画。 1.用“一”把括号里正确的读音画出来。 2.在文中找出下列词的近义词。 强壮( ) 茂密( ) 威风( )3.这篇短文是按照______顺序写的。4.在文中用“ ”画出一个拟人句。 5.读完这篇短文,你有什么感受,请用一两句话写出来。  

  • Primer on Smell
    In addition to bringing out1 the flavor of food, what does the sense of smell do for us ?
    Smell “gives us information about place, about where we are,” says Randall Reed, a Johns Hopkins University professor whose specialty is the sense of smell. ___1___ “Whether we realize it or not, we collect a lot of information about who is around us based on smell,” says Reed.
    Even at a distance, odors can warn us of2 trouble — spoiled food, leaking gas, or fire. “It’s a great alert,” offers Donald Leopold, a doctor at Johns Hopkins. For example, if something in the oven is burning, everyone in the house knows it.
    With just a simple scent, smell can also evoke very intense emotion. Let’s say, for example, that the smell is purple petunias. ___2___ Now let’s imagine that your mother died when you were three, and she used to have a flower garden. You wouldn’t need to identify the smell or to have conscious memories of your mother or her garden. You would feel sad as soon as you smelled that spicy odor.
    Compared with3 animals, how well do people detect smelts ?
    That depends on what you mean by “how well”. We are low on receptor cells : current estimates say that humans have roughly five million smell-receptor cells, about as many as a mouse. ___3___
    Reed says that, across species, there is a relatively good correlation between the number of receptor cells and how strong the sense of smell is. “You can hardly find the olfactory bulb in a human brain —— it’s a pea-sized object. In a mouse, it’s a little bigger. It’s bean-sized in a rat, about the size of your little finger in a rabbit, and the size of your thumb in a bloodhound.”
    Does that mean that our sense of smell is not very acute ?
    Not exactly. While we may not have the olfactory range of other creatures, the receptors we do have are as sensitive as those of any animal. ___4___ A trained “nose”, such as that of a professional in the perfume business, can name and distinguish about 10,000 odors. Reed says that a perfume expert can sniff a modem scent that has a hundred different odorants in it, go into the lab, and list the ingredients. “In a modest amount of time, he comes back with what to you or me would smell like a perfect imitation of that perfume. It’s amazing.”
    What happens to4 our sense of smell as we age ?
    Many people continue to have good olfactory function as they get older. ___5___ Leopold says that smell is generally highest in childhood, stays the same from the teens through the 50s, and drops starting at about 60 for women and 65 for men. “The average 80-year-old is only able to smell things half as well as the average 20-year-old,” says Leopold.
    scent /sent/ n. 气味,香味
    petunia /p 'tju:ni / n. 喇叭花
    olfactory / l'f kt( )ri/ adj. 嗔觉的,味道的
    sniff /snif/ v. 嗅,闻,用力吸
    1.bring out:使……显出,使……变得明显
    2.warn of:发出关于……的警告。warn sb. of sth.:警告某人某事
    3.compare with:与……相比
    4.happen to:发生于,发生在
    AThese flowers have a rich spiciness that no other petunia has.
    BOdors, or smells, can warn us about trouble.
    CThat’s not the rule, however.
    DAnd smell tells us about people.
    EWe can also think, and we make conscious (and successful) efforts to tell the difference between one smell and another.
    FA rat has some 10 million, a rabbit 20 million, and a bloodhound 100 million.
  • 阅读理解。

     清晨,乳白色的雾气迷迷蒙蒙,村外的溪水传来淙淙的响声。小院的篱笆上开满了繁星一样的牵牛花,鲜红的、天蓝的、淡紫的……真像一只只彩色的小喇叭,花瓣上闪着几颗晶莹的露珠。枣树上画眉在和黄莺对唱,声音清脆婉转……  吱呀一声门开了,大妈踏着被露水打湿的石铺小路,上井台打水。她来到井边,打起一桶清澈的井水。忽然,她侧过头在凝神听着什么: 啊,喇叭花下邻家的小男孩正在读书。他念得那么轻松,那么流利,那么动听,真好像是溪水的琴声,小鸟的歌声,真好像是喇叭花在广播呢。 大妈的笑从心底溢到脸上。 她提着水桶朝家里走去,脚步放得很轻很轻,生怕惊断了孩子的念书声,还怕惊落了喇叭花上那忽闪忽闪的露珠…… 1.根据词意在文中找出相应的词语。 (1)光亮而透明。  (2)水清纯而透明。  (3)聚精会神的样子。  (4)充满而流出来。 2.认真阅读第一自然段,找出描写色彩和声音的词。 描写色彩的词:  描写声音的词: 3.请用“ ”画出文中的比喻句。(两句)  (1)句中把 比作 。  (2)句中把 比作 。4.读下面的句子,回答括号里的问题。  (1)她侧过头来,凝神听着什么。(她在听什么声音?)  (2)她提着水桶往家里走去,脚步放得很轻很轻。(她把脚步放得很轻是为了什么?)   (3)大妈的笑从心底溢到脸上。(大妈为什么那么高兴?) 

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