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  • 在教学研讨会上,作为教研组组长的周老师多次强调:“作为老师我们要寻找、研究一种适合儿童的教育,而不是挑选适合教育的儿童。”周老师的这一观点体现了(  )。





  • Which of the following pair of words are antonyms?

    A、increase and decrease

    B、choice and option

    C、blue and green

    D、rabbit and animal

  • 案例:下面是某位教师在讲授“大气压强的存在”的教学片段。师:通过前面的学习,我们知道液体内部向各个方向都有压强。那么气体内部有压强吗?我们来看一些实验现象。将硬纸片放在装满水的平口玻璃杯口,用手按住,并倒置过来。让学生猜想会出现什么现象?生:硬纸片没有掉下来。师:将燃着的棉花放入广口瓶中,这时会发现塞在瓶口的鸡蛋怎么样了?生:鸡蛋被迅速地吞入瓶中。师:硬纸片为什么不会掉下来?鸡蛋怎幺会掉进瓶子里?生:外界气体给了它力的作用。师:对,是大气压的作用,对比液体压强产生的原因,大气压的产生是空气内部向各个方向也有压强的.师:那么大家再重新解释一下刚才做的那两个实验现象吧。生:是因为大气压强的存在,大气压也会对硬纸片和鸡蛋有大气压力的作用。师:生活中还有哪些现象说明大气压的存在呢?生:用吸管喝饮料。问题.(1)请对上述教学片段进行评析。(15分)(2)针对上述教学片段存在的问题,设计一个教学片段,帮助学生学习。(15分)

  • Passage 2Old stereotypes die hard.Picture a video-game player and you will likely imagine a teenage  boy, by himself, compulsively hammering away at a game involving rayguns and aliens that splatter when blasted. Ten years ago that might have borne some relation to reality. But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds"on her smartphone. In America, the biggest market, the average game-player is 37 years old. Two-fifths are female Over the past ten years the video-game industry has grown from a small business to a huge, mainstream one. With global sales of S56 billon in 2010, it is more than twice the size of the recorded-music industry. Despite the downturn, it is growing by almost 9% a year.Is this success due to luck or skill? The answer maters, because the rest of the entertainment industry has tended to treat gaming as being a lucky beneficiary of broader technological changes. Video gaming, unlike music, film or television, had the luck to be born digital. In fact, there is plenty for old media to learn.Video games have certainly been swept along by two forces: demography and technology. The first gaming generation the children of the 1970s and early 1980s-is now over 30. Many sill love gaming, and can afford to spend far more on it now. Meanwhile rapid improvements in computing power have allowed game designers to offer experiences that are now often more cinematic than the cinema.But even granted this good fortune, the game-makers have been clever. They have reached out to new customers with new methods. They have branched out into education, corporate training and even warfare, and have embraced digital downloads and mobile devices with enthusiasm. Though big-budget games are still popular, much of the growth now comes from "casual"games that are simple, cheap and playable in short bursts on mobile phones or in web browsers.The industry has excelled in a particular area-pricing. In an era when people are disinclined to pay for content on the web, games publishers were quick to develop "freemium" models, where you rely on non-paying customers to build an audience and then extract cash only from a fanatical few.As gaming comes to be seen as just another medium, its tech-savvy approach could provide a welcome shot in the arm for existing media groups.The two examples in Paragraph 1 are used to illustrate that________.

    A、video-game players tend to be older

    B、females in America tend to enjoy playing video games

    C、it is hard to change old stereotypes

    D、the video-game industry has grown rapidly

  • How many morphemes does the word "impossible" consist of?





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