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There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service【1】(VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment,【2】there are opportunities for overseas service for【3】technicians in developing countries. Some people,【4】those who retire early,【5】their technical and business skills in countries【6】there is a special need.So in considering voluntary or【7】community service, there are more opportunities than there【8】were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time【9】and depend very much on volunteers and part-timers. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different.【10】some ways they may seem more casual and less efficient, but one should not【11】them by commercial criteria. The people who work with them do so for different reasons and with different【12】, both personal and【13】. One should not join them【14】to arm them with professional experience; they must be joined with commitment to the【15】, not business efficiency. Because salaries are【16】or non-existent many voluntary bodies offer modest expense. But many retired people take part in community service for【17】, simply because they enjoy the work.Many community activities possible【18】retirement were also possible during one"s working life but they are to be undertaken【19】seriously for that. Retired people who are just looking for something different or unusual to do should not consider【20】community service.(1)
A.overseaB.over seaC.over seasD.overseas

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  • In almost all cases the soft parts of fossils are gone for ever but they were fitted around or within the hard parts. Many of them also were attached to the hard parts and usually such attachments are visible as depressed or elevated areas, ridges or grooves, smooth or rough patches on the hard parts. The muscles most important for the activities of the animal and most evident in the appearance of the living animal are those attached to the hard parts and possible to reconstruct from their attachments. Much can be learned about a vanished brain from the inside of the skull in which it was lodged.Restoration of the external appearance of an extinct animal has little or no scientific value. It does not even help in inferring what the activities of the living animal were, how fast it could run, what its food was, or such other conclusions as are important for the history of life. However, what most people want to know about extinct animals is what they looked like when they were alive. Scientists also would like to know. Things like fossil shells present no great problem as a rule, because the hard parts are external when the animal is alive and the outer appearance is actually preserved in the fossils.Animals in which the skeleton is internal present great problems of restoration, and honest restorers admit that they often have to use considerable guessing. The general shape and contours of the body are fixed by the skeleton and by muscles attached to the skeleton, but surface features, which may give the animal its really characteristic look, are seldom restorable with any real probability of accuracy. The present often helps to interpret the past. An extinct animal presumably looked more or less like its living relatives, if it has any. This, however, may be quite equivocal. For example, extinct members of the horse family are usually restored to look somewhat like the most familiar living horses — domestic horses and their closest wild relatives. It is, however, possible and even probable that many extinct horses were striped like zebras. If lions and tigers were extinct they would be restored to look exactly alike. No living elephants have much hair and mammoths, which are extinct elephants, would doubtless be restored as hairless if we did not happen to know that they had thick, woolly coats. We know this only because mammoths are so recently extinct that prehistoric men drew pictures of them and that the hide and hair have actually been found in a few specimens. For older extinct animals we have no such clues.According to the passage, the soft part of fossilized animals
    A.can always be accurately identified.B.have usually left some traces.C.can usually be reconstructed.D.have always vanished without any trace.
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