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Paragraph 3 is written to
A.illustrate the breakdown with respect to governance.B.explain the record of the Boeing board in terms of ethical lapses.C.exemplify the boards of Morgan Stanley and HP.D.stress the heavy costs of the Sarbanes-Oxley act.

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  • 在心理学中,有一个著名的摘苹果理论,意思是说:一个人渴望成功的人,应该永远努力去采摘那些需要奋力跳起来才能够得着的“苹果”。事实上,这样的人后来的成功,往往超过那些总是采摘伸手可及的苹果的人。这对我们的启示是
  • In November 1970 Yukio Mishima, together with some of his fanatical followers from the ultranationalistic Shield Society which he had founded in 1966, broke into the headquarters of Japan"s Eastern Defense Forces armed with swords and daggers, overpowered some aides, tied up the commanding general, and demanded that the troops be assembled to hear a speech. Mishima addressed the troops for ten minutes, inciting them to rebel against the constitutional government imposed by the United States that had, in his words, "turned Japan spineless." Receiving only ridicule in response, he returned to the general"s office and there, before the general"s unbelieving eyes, proceeded to kill himself in strict accordance with the traditional samurai ritual of seppuku. After Mishima had driven a dagger deep into left abdomen, one of his aides severed his head with a sword. The aide likewise killed himself and was beheaded; the others surrendered.In 1936 there had been a similar revolt and, though equally unsuccessful, it had foreshadowed the repressive regime of General Tojo that was to stage the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. That earlier revolt is the one referred to in "Patriotism," one of Mishima"s most powerful stones. Here life and fiction become joined. The act of seppuku was for Mishima a fulfillment, "the ultimate dream of my life." Born of an ancient samurai family, he longed to die a hero"s death in accordance with the ancient samurai code; but his weak body kept him from service in the war, and he had to compensate through body building (he became expert at karate and kendo) and, most important, through the discipline of writing. In his short lifetime he turned out twenty novels, thirty plays, many essays, and more than eighty stories: he also produced, directed, and acted in movies, and even sang on stage. His first book of stories, A Forest in Flower, appeared in 1943, but it was Confession of a Mask (1948), dealing with the meditations of a young man of homosexual leanings in a repressive society, that brought him fame.Mishima has been called "Japan"s Hemingway," while others have compared him to "aesthetic" writers like Walter Peter and Oscar Wilde.The article implies that ______.
    A.Mishima refused to join the army when he was youngB.Mishima has been regarded as a lunatic writerC.Mishima is a person who is hard to defineD.Critics all agree that Mishima is an aesthetic writer
  • 根据国际收支账户的记账规则,以下()项包含的内容都应该记入借方。
  • What can we infer from the passage?
    A.American stores could provide new kinds of products to the peopleB.High tech describes a technology that is not traditional.C.State of the art is not as popular as "high tech".D.A wooden plough pulled by oxen is "state of the art".
  • 气胸的排气治疗,下列哪项正确
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