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In developing a model of cognition, we must recognize that perception of the external world does not always remain independent of motivation. While progress toward maturity is positively correlated with differentiation between motivation and cognition, tension will, even in the mature adult, lead towards a narrowing of the range of perception. Cognition can be seen as the first step in the sequence events leading from the external stimulus to the behavior. of the individual. The child develops from belief that all things are an extension of its own body to the recognition that objects exist independent of his perception. He begins to demonstrate awareness of people and things which are removed from his sensory apparatus and initiates goal-directed behaviors. He may, however, refuse to recognize the existence of barriers to the attainment of his goal, despite the fact that his cognition of these objects has been previously demonstrated.In the primitive beings, goal-directed behavior. can be very simple motivated. The presence of an attractive object will cause an infant to reach for it; its removal will result in the cease of that action. In adult life, mere cognition can be similarly motivational, although the visible presence of the opportunity is not required as the stimulants of response. The mature adult modifies his reaction by obtaining information, interpreting it, and examining consequences. He formulates a hypothesis and attempts to test it. He searches out implicit relationships, examines all factors, and differentiates among them. Just as the trained artist can separate the value of color, composition, and technique, while taking in and evaluating the whole work, so, too, the mature person brings his cognitive learning strengths to bear in evaluating a situation. Understanding that cognition is separate from action, his reaction is only minimally guided from conditioning, and take into consideration anticipatable events. The impact of the socialization process, particularly that of parental and social group ideology, may reduce cognitively directed behavior. The tension thus produced, as for instance the stress of fear, anger, or extreme emotion, will often be the primary influence. The evolutionary process of development from body schema through cognitive learning is similarly manifested in the process of language acquisition. Every normal infant has the physiological equipment necessary to produce sound, but the child must first master their use for sucking, biting, and chewing before he can control his equipment for use in producing the sounds of language. From the earlier times, it is clear that language and human thought have been intimately connected. Sending or receiving messages, from primitive warnings of danger to explaining creative or reflective thinking, this aspect of cognitive development is also firmly linked to the needs and aspirations of society.How does the child develop his perception?
A.Parents and teachers play a key role in his development of cognition.B.He believes that objects around him independent of his perception.C.Strong motivations give rise to perception which is polished further by the child itself.D.He holds the conviction that things around him are parts of extended body and later on gives it up.

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