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According to the last paragraph, "self-fulfilling" is to "self-avoiding" as
A.artistic to "functional".B.material to "imaginary".C.desirable to "undesirable".D.rational to "emotional".

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  • According to Darwin, random changes that enhance (a species") ability (for surviving) (are) naturally selected and passed on (to succeeding) generations.
    A.a species"B.for survivingC.areD.to succeeding
  • According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?______
    A.The mineral elements will not be absorbed by the plant unless they are dissolved in its rootB.The woody stems contain more water than the leavesC.Air existing around the leaf is found to be saturatedD.Only part of the carbon dioxide in the plant is synthesized
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    A.became variousB.was updatedC.increased rapidlyD.remained the same
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