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Paragraph 5 intends mainly to show Warner"s ______.
A.determination to promote PotterB.consistence in conducting businessC.high regard for Ms. Rowling"s requestD.careful restrictions on licensing to Coco-Cola

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  • 假设存在许多家商业银行,公众不持有通货,法定准备金率规定为10%。如果在进行公开市场操作前银行没有持有超额储备,那么联邦储备委员会出售价值为20万美元的政府债券的公开市场操作,最终将导致货币供给减少()。A250万美元B200万美元C40万美元D8万美元
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  • Honda is mentioned in the second paragraph to suggest that
    A.Traffic Message Channel is established in Japan.B.Japan is in the lead in solving traffic problems.C.Honda demonstrated how VICS can be used.D.Only few people can afford to enjoy this service.
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  • The great significance of Voss"s findings lies in______. Ⅰ. strengthening his determination to join in space flights Ⅱ. furthering his understanding of NASA Ⅲ. consolidating his astronaut status in NASA programs
    A.I onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.I, Ⅱ and Ⅲ all includedD.Ⅰ and Ⅱ only
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