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title="eSightMPLSVPN组件,支持业务发现方式的特点是()。A、无需指定设备PE、CE角色B、即支持选择全网直接发现,也支持选择部分设备范围进行发现C、支持多种发现策略,包括VRF路由策略,VRF名称D、以上全部" class="qs_item_resovle">查看答案</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="qs_item"> <div class="qs_item_title"> <p>The telesales force requested additional ways to terminate the automated polling questionnaire. In addition to the default functionality, you provide a menu item and a button for this purpose. Adhering to efficient coding practices, which PL/SQL code do you use for the menu item and the button?()</p><p>A、EXIT </p> <p>B、EXIT_FORM </p> <p>C、DO_KEY('Key-Exit') </p> <p>D、DO_KEY('EXIT_FORM')</p> </div> <div> <a href="/timu-20093033pi.html" title="The telesales force requested additional ways to terminate the automated polling questionnaire. In addition to the default functionality, you provide a menu item and a button for this purpose. Adhering to efficient coding practices, which PL/SQL code do you use for the menu item and the button?()A、EXIT  B、EXIT_FORM  C、DO_KEY('Key-Exit')  D、DO_KEY('EXIT_FORM')" class="qs_item_resovle">查看答案</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="qs_item"> <div class="qs_item_title"> <p>在WINDOWS98下,在()中找不到“控制面板”</p><p>A、我的电脑</p> <p>B、“程序”中的附件</p> <p>C、“程序”中的WINDOWS资源管理器</p> <p>D、“设置”菜单</p> </div> <div> <a href="/timu-20093128jg.html" title="在WINDOWS98下,在()中找不到“控制面板”A、我的电脑 B、“程序”中的附件 C、“程序”中的WINDOWS资源管理器 D、“设置”菜单" class="qs_item_resovle">查看答案</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="qs_item"> <div class="qs_item_title"> <p>Which canvas built-in display the given canvas in front of any stacked canvases?()</p><p>A、HIDE_VIEW </p> <p>B、SHOW_VIEW </p> <p>C、SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY </p> <p>D、REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEW</p> </div> <div> <a href="/timu-20092966io.html" title="Which canvas built-in display the given canvas in front of any stacked canvases?()A、HIDE_VIEW  B、SHOW_VIEW  C、SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY  D、REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEW" class="qs_item_resovle">查看答案</a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="qs_item"> <div class="qs_item_title"> <p>public class X {  public object m () {   object o = new float (3.14F);   object oa = new object [1];   oa[0]= o;   o = null;   return oa[0];   }   }   When is the float object created in line 3, eligible for garbage collection?()</p><p>A、 Just after line 5</p> <p>B、 Just after line 6</p> <p>C、 Just after line 7 (that is, as the method returns)</p> <p>D、 Never in this method.</p> </div> <div> <a href="/timu-20095271xt.html" title="public class X {  public object m () {   object o = new float (3.14F);   object oa = new object [1];   oa[0]= o;   o = null;   return oa[0];   }   }   When is the float object created in line 3, eligible for garbage collection?()A、 Just after line 5 B、 Just after line 6 C、 Just after line 7 (that is, as the method returns) D、 Never in this method." class="qs_item_resovle">查看答案</a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ques_dright fr"> <div class="related magin0"> <h3 class="related_title">相关分类</h3> <div class="related_tag"> <a 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