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  • s="" health,and="" he="" became="" obsessed="" win="" it="" too.Allene died when Howard was 16 years old. Two years later his father died. Hughes inherited the Hughes Tool Company. Then he married Ella Rice. He and Ella moved to Los Angeles, California. It was there that Howard Hughes began to become a legend (传奇人物). Hughes began to invest his money in movies. He became an important producer soon after he moved to California. He worked hard, but he also played hard. He became obsessed with power and control. When he couldn’t get something legally, he gave money politicians and businessmen so they would help him. He owned a lot of businesses, including airplane companies, a movie studio(制片厂), Las Vegas hotels, gold and silver mines, and radio and television stations. Once he bought a television studio so he could watch movies all night He also bought a hotel because he wanted to stay in his favorite room for one weekend.Accordign to the passage ,Howard Hughes was hot( ).Which of the following about Hughes' father is NOT TRUE?Howard Hughes' parents died ( ).The word obsessed in Paragraph 2 probably means ( ).From the passage, we learn what Mr. Hughes lacked in his life was( ).'>

    People say that money cannot buy happiness. This was true for Howard Hughes. He was one of the richest and most powerful men of his time. He bad everything: good look success, power, and a lot of money. But he didn’t have lave or friendship because he couldn’t buy them. All his life he used his money to control everything and everyone around him. In the end, he lost control of everything, even himself.Howard Hughes was born in 1905 in Houston, Texas. His father started the Hughes Tool Company. He was a workaholic(工作狂)and made a lot of money. He bought everything he wanted. He even gave money to schools so Howard could get into them. From his father, Howard learned to be a successful but merciless businessman. Hughes’s mother, Allene also had a big influence on his life. Howard was her only child. She protected him and gave him everything. Unfortunately Allene had mental problems. She was afraid of germs and diseases. She was obsessed with Howard's health,and he became obsessed win it too.Allene died when Howard was 16 years old. Two years later his father died. Hughes inherited the Hughes Tool Company. Then he married Ella Rice. He and Ella moved to Los Angeles, California. It was there that Howard Hughes began to become a legend (传奇人物). Hughes began to invest his money in movies. He became an important producer soon after he moved to California. He worked hard, but he also played hard. He became obsessed with power and control. When he couldn’t get something legally, he gave money politicians and businessmen so they would help him. He owned a lot of businesses, including airplane companies, a movie studio(制片厂), Las Vegas hotels, gold and silver mines, and radio and television stations. Once he bought a television studio so he could watch movies all night He also bought a hotel because he wanted to stay in his favorite room for one weekend.Accordign to the passage ,Howard Hughes was hot( ).Which of the following about Hughes' father is NOT TRUE?Howard Hughes' parents died ( ).The word obsessed in Paragraph 2 probably means ( ).From the passage, we learn what Mr. Hughes lacked in his life was( ).

    A.good-looking B.wealthy C.friendly D.powerful
    A.He started the Hughes Tool Company. B.He liked to spend money. C.He worked hard. D.He drank alcohol a lot.
    A.when he was 16 years old B.before he was 19 years old C.after he got married D.after he moved to California
    A.troubled B.reduced C.related D.informed
    A.education B.love C.money D.good looks
  • 努力工作和醉心于工作之间有很大的区别。努力工作是指工作有条有理、精力集中,完成许多工作,知道何时歇手,知道除了工作还有生活。而工作狂们常常是缺乏条理,总是寻找理由想做得更多些,没有工作可做时就感到不知所措,想通过工作来逃避问题。他们不知道怎样或何时放松一下,经常把办公室里的活儿带回家里去做,不善于和同事及家人交流沟通。

  • 一项针对1.65万名中年职场人士的调查显示,在约占总人数8%的“工作狂”中,经常被焦虑症困扰的比例高达34%,是那些总体上能保持工作生活平衡的人的3倍。此外,工作狂中也有更多的注意力缺失及多动症和强迫症患者。





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