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相关标签: 吸血鬼  

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  • 根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 Cancer-Fighting Food Some foods and spices contain compounds and properties that put them in the category of cancer-fightingfoods. That means you have an opportunity to fight cancer-lung cancer, stomach cancer, and more-every timeyou have a meal, snack, or beverage if you include some of these natural cancer killers in your daily diet. Research into the anticancer abilities of various foods and spices has revealed some have more potential to perevent or reducethe risk of certain cancers than others. With that in mind, here is our list of the top cancer-fighting foods. Beans Beans are one of the best sources of plant protein and provide an excellent amount of fiber, but they are alsoan important part of a nutritious diet because they have cancer-fighting potential as well. A group of researchers atColorado State University reported on the anticancer abilities of beans. They noted that unlike vegetables, in whichthe more colorful ones typically contain more phytonutrients ( 植物营养素) and disease fighting power, theyfound that white kidney beans have greater impact on cancer cells than navy beans, and that more colorful beanshave milder effects. In other research, the dietary habits of more than 490,000 people were followed and comparedwith their impact on risk of head and neck cancers, which include cancer of the mouth, throat, and larynx. Foodsthat were found to be especially protective against these cancers included beans, carrots, and tomatoes, amongothers. A Loma Linda University research also reported that people who ate beans at least three times a week had a33% reduced risk of colon polyps (which often lead to colon cancer). A cancer prevention diet should include avariety of beans, which can be enjoyed in soups, salads, casseroles, and even on their own. Carrots Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene (β-胡萝卜素), a potent antioxidant (抗氧化剂) that hasbeen associated with a reduced risk of various cancers, including mouth, throat, colon, stomach, ~nd bladder. Astudy in Urology (《泌尿学》杂志), for example, named carrots and cruciferous (十字花科蔬菜) vegetables asagents associated with a reduced risk of bladder(膀胱) cancer. A National Cancer Institute study also namedcarrots as helping reduce the risk of mouth and throat cancers. In addition to beta-carotene, carrots also have acancer-fighting substance called falcarinol(镰叶芹醇). A study of falcarinol and intestinal cancer cells showedthat falcarinol inhibited proliferation (扩散) of the cells. A research has indicated beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer, but the study involved beta-carotene supplementation, not eating carrots, and the higher risk wasseen in smokers. To get the most benefit from this anticancer food, enjoy raw carrots because they retain more oftheir nutritional value than cooked carrots, although raw or cooked, carrots are an important part of any cancerprevention diet. Cayenne Peppers (辣椒)and Capsaicin ( 辣椒素) Cayenne peppers provide capsaicin, a substance that has demonstrated its cancer-fighting abilities in severalareas. In one laboratory study from 2007, for example, capsaicin slowed the growth of prostate (前列腺) cancercells and prompted apoptosis (cell suicide), while a subsequent study found similar results regarding apoptosis andprostate cancer cells. Lung cancer is common among men, and investigators at Marshall University in WestVirginia recently reported that "capsaicin could be useful in the therapy of human SCLC (small cell lung cancer)."Capsaicin also appears to have a role in fighting stomach cancer, as a recent study found. When capsaicin wasadded to conventional medical treatment (the anticancer drug, cisplatin), the capsaicin prompted apoptosis ofcisplatin-resistant stomach cancer cells. Garlic Garlic does more than keep vampires ( 吸血鬼) away-the popular herb also contains allium compounds (蒜葱素) that enhance the activity of immune system cells designed to fight cancer. These compounds, called diallylsulfur (二烯丙基硫化物), may block carcinogens (致癌物) from getting into cells and also slow the developmentof tumors (肿瘤). People wh
  • ②「蚊は雌だけが人間の血を吸う。雄は果物の汁などを吸っていて、決して吸血鬼になることはない」とあるが、筆者は読者に対してどんなことを伝えようとしているのですか。最もふさわしいものを次から選びなさい。





  • 正当余额宝受到热捧的同时,也有人从自身利益出发认为余额宝是趴在银行身上的“吸血鬼”,甚至呼吁金融监管部门取缔余额宝。3月4日,央行高层集体为余额宝正名,称余额宝作为互联网金融产品中的一个新事物,国家不会取缔,只会更加完善对余额宝等金融业务的监管政策。从哲学上看,这体现了()①价值判断的差异带来世界观的差异②事物性质由主要矛盾的主要方面决定③社会意识推动社会存在的发展④事物的发展是前进性和曲折性相统一





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