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Guthrie's contiguity principle offers practical suggestions for how to break habits.
One application of the threshold method involves the time young children spend on academic activities. Young children have short attention spans, so the length of time they can sustain work on one activity is limited. Most activities are scheduled to last no longer than 30 to 40 minutes. However, at the start of the school year, attention spans quickly wane and behavior. problems often result to apply Guthrie's theory, a teacher might, at the start of the year, limit activities to 15 to 20 minutes. Over the next few weeks the teacher could gradually increase the time students spend working on a single activity.
The threshold method also can be applied to teaching printing and handwriting. When children first learn to form. letters, their movements are awkward and they lack fine motor coordination. The distances between lines on a page are purposely wide so children can fit the letters into the space. If paper with narrow lines is initially introduced, students' letters would spill over the borders and students might become frustrated. Once students can form. letters within the larger borders, they can use paper with smaller borders to help them refine their skills.
The fatigue method can be applied when disciplining disruptive students who build paper airplanes and sail them across the room. The teacher can remove the students from the classroom, give them a large stack of paper, and tell them to start making paper airplanes. After the students have made several airplanes, the activity should lose its attraction and paper will become a cue for not building airplanes.
Some students continually race around the gym when they first enter their physical education class. To employ the fatigue method, the teacher might decide to have these students continue to run a few more laps after the class has begun.
The incompatible response method can be used with students who talk and misbehave in the media center. Reading is incompatible with talking. The media center teacher might ask the students to find interesting books and read them while in the center. Assuming that the students find the books enjoyable, the media center will, over time, become a cue for selecting and reading books rather than for talking with other students.
In a social studies class some students regularly fall asleep. The teacher realized that using the board and overhead projector while lecturing was very boring. Soon the teacher began to incorporate other elements into each lesson, such as experiments, videotapes, and debates, in an attempt to involve students and raise their interest in the course.
The purpose of this passage is to ______.

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  • Viewed from a star in some other corner of the galaxy, Earth would be a speck, a faint blue dot hidden in the blazing light of our sun. While our neighbors Venus and Mars would reflect a fairly even glow. Earth would put on a little show. Earth's light would brighten and dim as it spins, because oceans, deserts, forests and clouds which are all too small to be seen from such a distance, reflect varying amounts of sunlight. The variations, it turns out, are so strong and distinctive that surprising amount of information could be taken from a simple ebb and flow of light. Scientists at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study conducted a detailed study of Earth's reflections as a way for human scientists to learn about distant planets that may be like our own.
    (2) "If you looked at our solar system from far away, and you looked at the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, one of the quickest ways to see that Earth is unique, which is by looking at the light curve," said Ed Turner, professor of astrophysics and a co-author of the study. "Earth has by far the most complicated light curve." The standard thinking in the field had been that most of the information about an Earth-like planet would come from spectral analysis, a static reading of the relative component of different colors within the light, rather than a reading of changes over time. Spectral analysis would reveal the presence of gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide and oxygen, in the planet's atmosphere. Looking at the change in light over time does not replace spectral analysis, but it could greatly increase the amount of information scientists could learn, said Turner. It may indicate, for example, the presence of weather, oceans, ice or even plant life.
    "Earth would put on a little show" means: as it spins, ______.
    A.Earth is a more active planet than Venus and Mars
    B.Earth reflects a brighter light curve than Venus and Mars
    C.Earth shows oceans, deserts, forests and clouds, while Venus and Mars don't
    D.Earth reflects sunlight in an ebb-and-flow manner

  • The __ emphasis on examinations is by far the worst form. of competition in schools.

  • The Flower Market in San Francisco is ______, and it was established in the 1930's.
    A.home of the second largest flower market in the country
    B.home to the country's second largest flower market
    C.the second flower market in the country's home
    D.the home to the second country's large flower market

  • Telecommuting is a new form. of work ______to work, such as fathers with children, the chance to work while remaining at home.
    A.that affording those unable previously
    B.affords those who were previously unable
    C.affording those previously unable
    D.afforded those previously unable

  • A.transmitted

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