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I tried very hard to persuade him to join our groups but I met with flat ______.

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  • What does the author mean when he interprets the urge for a sharper focus?
    A.The US will be justified in cutting its financial contribution.
    B.More heated arguments will be unavoidable between richer and poorer countries.
    C.There should be better service for poor countries but no cost-cutting.
    D.The poorer countries will not receive more benefits.

  • What Makes a "Millennial Mind"?
    (1) Since 1000 AD, around 30 billion people have been born on our planet. The vast majority have come and gone unknown to all but their friends and family. A few have left some trace on history: a discovery made, perhaps, or a record broken. Of those, fewer still are remembered long after their death. Yet of all the people who have lived their lives during the last 1000 years, just 38 have achieved the status of "Millennial Minds" that's barely one in a billion. Those whose lives Focus has chronicled have thus become members of possibly the most exclusive list of all time. And choosing who should be included was not easy.
    (2) From the beginning, the single most important criterion was that the "Millennial Minds" are those who did more than merely achieve greatness in their own time, or in one field. Thus mere winners of Nobel Prizes had no automatic right to inclusion, nor artists who gained fame in their own era, but whose reputation has faded with changing fashion. The achievements of the genuine "Millennial Mind" affect our lives even. now, often in ways so fundamental that it is hard to imagine what the world was like before.
    (3) Not even transcendent genius was enough to guarantee a place in the Focus list. To rate as a "Millennial Mind", the life and achievements also had to cast light on the complex nature of creativity: its origins, nature and its personal cost.
    The first paragraph tells us that ______.
    A.Focus had a list of "Millennial Minds" worked out in secret
    B.Focus had compiled a biographical book of the lives of "Millennial Minds"
    C.Focus's list of the "Millennial Minds" consists of a strictly selected few
    D.Focus tried hard to exclude most of the famous lives from the list of the "Millennial Minds"

  • Which of the following world organizations has the weakest leadership according to the passage?
    A.The International Labor Organization.
    B.The Food and Agriculture Organization.
    C.The World Health Organization.
    D.The World Bank.

  • In the first sentence of the third paragraph, "transcendent genius" means ______.
    A.people who are exceptionally superior and great in talent
    B.people whose achievements are not forgotten by later generations
    C.people whose genius has been passed down to the present time
    D.people who have guaranteed themselves a place in the Focus list

  • Which of the following statements about small business is not true?
    A.It helps effectively t9 fight unemployment.
    B.The earlier it starts, the sooner it collapses.
    C.There's a good omen for small business according to a survey.
    D.Small businesses hire more workers than big businesses between now and the year 2000.

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