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Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in n/any fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years than in the entire previous history of science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that nuclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless tree that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance——making the consequences of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.

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  • Unconsciously, we all carry with us【51】have been called "body bubbles". These bubbles are like invisible wails【52】define our personal space. The amount of space changes【53】on the interpersonal relationship. For example, we are usually more comfortable standing closer to family members than to【54】. Personality【55】determines the size of this space. Introverts often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than【56】.

    Cultural styles are important too. A Japanese【57】and employee usually stand farther apart while talking than their American counterparts. Latin Americans and Arabs tend to【58】closer together than Americans when talking.

    For Americans,【59】in social conversation is about an arm's length to four feet. Less space in the American culture may be associated【60】greater intimacy or aggressive behavior. The common practice of saying "Excuse me," or "Pardon me" for the slightest accidental touching of another person reveals an American attitude about personal space. Thus when a person's "space" is intruded【61】by someone, he or【62】may feel【63】and react defensively. In cultures【64】close physical contact is acceptable and desirable, Americans may be Perceived【65】cold and distant.

    Culture does not always【66】the messages that our body movements【67】Contexts, personalities, and relationships also influence them. Therefore, no two people in any one society have the same nonverbal behavior. However, like verbal language,【68】communication cannot be completely separated【69】culture.【70】we emphasize differences or similarities, the "silent language" is much louder than it first appears.


  • For this part, you are asked to write a composition on the topic "It pays to be honest". Your composition should be no less than 200 words based on the given outline.

  • In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Comparison in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outline:

    The definition of comparison.I have benefited a lot from comparison.The application of comparison in the academic realm.
  • 大学教育的最终目标是什么?这是一个经常萦绕在心头的极为重要的问题。大学教育阶段是一个人一生中价值观得以形成、个人的兴趣和爱好凸现的时期。学生们是处于人生期望值最高的时候步人大学校园的。因此,大学教育应该使学生们拥有坚实的基础教育,并在某——专业领域有所特长;应该使学生们充满想像力,学以致用;学校应该鼓励每位学生提高在生活以及行为中明辨常理的能力。大学的目的不是向学生进行思想灌输,而是让他们在思想的国度里畅游,为他们提供良好的氛围,以培养正确的伦理道德观,并形成坚定的信念。

  • Superstition is a difficult question. We cannot quite say that superstition in Britain is dead. Its history is both【76】long and too recent for that, and indeed you will find many relics of it in modem Britain. But they are only relics connected chiefly with vague notions of good luck and【77】luck It is unlucky, for instance, to walk under a ladder, or to spill salt, or break a mirror, or to have【78】to do with number 13; whereas a horseshoe brings good【79】, and people jokingly 'touch wood'【80】prevent the return of a past misfortune. There are still many strange country remedies against sickness【81】are obviously superstitious. But the real measure of superstition is fear. In this【82】there is no superstition in Britain. British people as a whole do【83】believe in evil influences or evil spirits, Sickness and misfortune are not the【84】of witchcraft, but of dirt or chance or foolishness or inefficiency Witches belong【85】to history books.


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