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In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Terrorist Activities in Some Countries in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outline:





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  • 【51】"Humanism" has used to mean too many thing to be a very satisfactory term. 【52】 Nevertheless, and in the lack of a better word, 【53】 I shall use it here to explain for the complex of attitudes which this discussion has undertaken to defend.

    【54】 In this sense a humanist is anyone who rejects the attempt to describe or account of man wholly on the basis of physics, chemistry, and animal behavior. 【55】 He is anyone who believes that will, reason, and purpose are real and significant: that value and justice are aspects of a reality called good and evil and rests upon some foundation other than custom; 【56】 that consciousness is so far from a mere epiphenomenon that it is the most tremendous of actualities. 【57】 that the unmeasure, may be significant; or to sum it all up; 【58】 that those human realities which sometimes seem to exist only in human mind are the perceptions of the mind.

    【59】 He is, in other words, anyone who says that there are more things in heaven and earth than those dreamed of in the positivist philosophy.

    【60】 Originally, to be sure, the term humanist meant simply anyone who thonght the study of ancient literature his chief concern. Obviously it means, as I use it, very much more. 【61】 But there remains nevertheless a certain connection between the aboriginal meaning and that I am attempting to give it, 【62】 because those whom I describe as humanists usually recognize that literature and the arts have been pretty consistently "on its side" and 【63】because it is often to literature that they turn to renew their faith in the whole class of truths which the modem world has so consistently tended, to dismiss as the mere figments of a wishful thinking imagination.

    【64】 Insofar as this modern world gives less and less attention to its literary past, insofar as it dismisses that past as something outgrow and 【65】 to be discarded as much as the imperfect technology contemporary with it has been discarded, 【66】 just to that extent it facilitate the surrender of humanism to technology. 【67】 The literature is to be found, directly expressed or 【68】 more often, indirectly implied, the most effective correction to the views now most prevalent among the thinking and unthinking.

    【69】 The great imaginative writers present a picture of human nature and of human life which carries conviction and thus giving the lie to all attempts to reduce man to a mechanism. Novels and poems, and dramas are so persistently concerned with the values which relativism rejects that one might even define literature as the attempt to pass value judgments upon representations of human life, 【70】 More often than not those of its imaginative persons who fail to achieve power and wealth are more successful than those who do not--by standards which the imaginative writer persuades us to accept as valid.


  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ?

    People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different.

    Use specific reasons to support your answer.

    Your composition should contain at least 180 words and must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.

  • 这样充分运用人的聪明智慧来寻求真理,来控制自然,来改变物质以供人用,来使人的身体免除不必要的辛劳痛苦,来使人的精神从愚昧、迷信里解放出来,这样的文明是真正的精神文明。

  • Directions: Write an essay in no less than 250 words with the title "My Understanding of Globalization". Your essay should be written on the Answer Sheet.

  • Write an essay of no less than 250 words on given topic The Importance of Groups and Organizations according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese.




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