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  • Bill Winner, a sales manager with 10 years in the medical industry, wants to shift his career into the information technology (IT) field. Many friends of his, with much less sales experience, are making double his salary plus stock options in technical industries. Since William knows the impact Internet technology will have in the 21st century, he wants a job involving e-commerce. Many people face William's dilemma: they want to participate in the booming technology markets, but they arch' t sure whether--or how--to make the leap from their industry.【66】

    Understand the industry. Become well versed in the publications that are popular to those in the Internet/technology field. Fast Company, Business 2.0, and The Industry Standard are just a few of the media read by e-commerce business people. Gain an understanding of key business issues and common problems within the industry.【67】For example, when Internet companies talk "hits" versus "unique visitors," know the difference.

    Polish up the old resume. If you have been with your company for a while and have forgotten how a resume is expected to look, get professional assistance or read books on the subject. Technology once again helps: an Internet resume-writing company understands what Web companies are looking for in future employees and can guide you in formatting and writing your resume. Unfortunately, many people who have been out of the career search process for years still put their height, weight, marital status, religious affiliations, and sex on their resumes.【68】In fact, companies legally are not allowed to screen resumes on those criteria. Also, keep your resume brief and to the point. Employers want a succinct synopsis, not a blow-by-blow account of each project you worked on. In the interview you will have the opportunity to expand on the resume.【69】Give career highlights, but if interviewers want specifics, they will ask you. Finally, remember that all hiring decisions are still decided by humans and not by Optical Character Readers (OCR), so make sure your resume is easy to read.

    Show your success. Your goal is to show how your best achievements and contributions to your current or past employers will allow a technology company to increase profitability and excel as well. If you were a tremendous sales manager due to your follow-up skills and ability to immediately develop rapport with new clients, then these skills are transferable to an Internet/technology company.【70】And most companies will put you through extensive training on their products.

    A. Think of the resume as the itinerary for the interview.

    B. No matter what avenue you decide, use technology to your advantage.

    C. Remember, the processes at most companies are very similar even if the products or services differ.

    D. These resumes are "hot potatoes" for HR people.

    E. Discover the hot topics and learn the jargon.

    F. Here are some helpful hints in shifting your career.


  • 这样充分运用人的聪明智慧来寻求真理,来控制自然,来改变物质以供人用,来使人的身体免除不必要的辛劳痛苦,来使人的精神从愚昧、迷信里解放出来,这样的文明是真正的精神文明。

  • Directions: Write an essay in no less than 250 words with the title "My Understanding of Globalization". Your essay should be written on the Answer Sheet.

  • Write an essay of no less than 250 words on given topic The Importance of Groups and Organizations according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese.




  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ?

    People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different.

    Use specific reasons to support your answer.

    Your composition should contain at least 180 words and must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.

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