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The influence of the moral standards of the home is evident. If there is no recognition of the difference【46】right and wrong, it is hard for the child to acquire the qualities which are necessary【47】good citizenship. Unwise discipline is, almost equally obvious,【48】factor often found in the background of the young offender.

But important【49】these two factors are, they do not cover the whole field. The experience of those who work with juvenile delinquents has shown us【50】greatly behavior. is influenced by the emotional relationships within the family circle. The extent to which【51】is affection between the【52】and the child, and in the early stages especially between the mother and the child, is evidently of fundamental【53】to his development, lack of love is more【54】to produce delinquency【55】bad material conditions.


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  • Resignation has its part to play in the conquest of happiness, and it is a part no less essential than that played by effort The wise man, though he will not sit down under preventable misfortunes, will not waste time and emotion upon such as are unavoidable, and even such as are in themselves avoidable he will submit to if the time and labour required to avoid them would interfere with the pursuit of some more important object. Many people get into a fret or a fury over every little thing that goes wrong, and in this way waste a great deal of energy that might be more usefully employed. Even in the pursuit of really important objects it is unwise to become so deeply involved emotionally that the thought of possible failure becomes a constant menace to peace of mind. Efficiency in a practical task is not proportional to the emotion that we put into it, indeed, emotion is sometimes an obstacle to efficiency. The attitude required is that of doing one's best while leaving the issue to fate. Resignation is of two sorts, one rooted in despair, the other in unconquerable hope. The first is bad; the second is good.

  • 韦尔奇并非出身富贵之门,也决非一夜成名,他是靠自己的奋斗脱颖而出。

  • You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task.

    You have just read an article in your local newspaper, according to which the airport of yom city will be enlarged in order to add flights. Write a letter to the city authorities, complaining that this plan will seriously inconvenience the people who live near the airport.

    You should write at least 150 words.

    You do NOT need to write your own address.

    Begin your letter as follows:

    Dear ______,

  • 人生需要一种境界:恬静的心态——他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。面对别人成功与荣耀的光环能泰然处之,因为我明白那掌声已有所属。即使匆匆忙忙赶过去,也不会有成功等着你。如果跟着别人,永远都只能摸着成功的尾巴。惟一的选择只有自己创业。自我安定不是找一个安定的所在,而是在纷乱的环境中保持安定的心境,就像荷花出污泥而不染。只有达到这一境界才能掌握自己的命运,才能做到“他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶”。

  • Homes could start been connected to the Internet through electrical outlets. (47) In this way, consumers and business may find easier to make cheaper telephone calls under new rules that the Federal Communications Commission began preparing on Thursday. (48) Taking together, the new rules could profoundly affect the architecture of the Internet and the services it provides. (49) They also have enormous implications for consumers, the telephone and energy industries, equipment manufacturers. Michael K. Powell, the F.C.C. chairman, and his two Republican colleagues on the five-member commission said that (50) a 4-to-1 vote on Thursday to allow a small company providing computer-to-computer phone connections to operate in different rules from ordinary phone companies, would ultimately transform. the telecommunications industry and the Internet. (51) "This is a reflecting of the commission's commitment to bring tomorrow's technology to consumers today." said Mr. Powell. He added that (52) the rules governing the new phone services sought to make them as wide available as email (53) and possibly much less expensive than traditional phones, and given their lower regulatory costs. At the same time, (54) once while the rules allowing delivery of the Internet through power lines are completed, (55) companies could provide consumers with the ability to plug their modems directly into wall sockets, just like they do with a toaster, or a desk lamp.


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