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Desertification in the arid United Statse is flagrant. Groundwater supplies beneath vast stretches of land are dropping precipitously. Whole river systems have dried up. Others are chocked with sediment washed from denuded land. 21.Hundreds of thousands of acres of previously irrigated cropland have been abandoned to wind or weeds. Several million acres of natural grassland are eroding at unnaturally high rates as a result of cultivation or overgrazing. All told, about 225 million acres of land are undergoing severe desertification.

22.Federal subsidies encourage the exploitation of arid land resources. Low-interest loans for irrigation and other water delivery systems encourage farmers, industry, and municipalities to mine groundwater. Federal disaster relief and commodity programs encourage arid-land farmers to plow up natural grassland to plant crops such as wheat and, especially cotton. Federal grazing fees that are well below the free market price encourage overgrazing of the commons.The market, too, provides powerful incentives to exploit arid land resources beyond their carrying capacity. 23.When commodity prices are high relative to the farmer's or rancher's operating costs, the return on a production-enhancing investment is invaribly greater than the return on a conservation investment. And when commodity prices are relatively low, arid land ranchers and farmers often have to use all their available financial resources to stay solvent.

24.If the United States is, as it appears, well on its way toward overdrawing the arid land resources, then the policy choice is simply to pay now for the appropriate remedies or pay far more later, when productive benefits from arid land resources have been both realized and largely terminated.


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  • How do employees contribute to the profitability under the corporate culture of Compaq Computers?

  • 正如这篇文章的作者所警告的,克隆人类可能是一件使人更加悲伤而非更加高兴的事。

  • 为了保证国民经济持续、快速、健康地发展,我们必须加快国有企业的改革步伐。

  • Directions: In this section you are required to write an essay in accordance with following requirements.

    A. Title: Scientific Discovery-Curse or Blessing

    B. Time limit: 40 minutes

    C. Word limit: 180—200 words(not including the given opening sentences)

    D. Your composition should be based on the given opening sentences of each paragraph.

    E. Your composition must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

    Outlines:New scientific discoveries nearly always bring to mankind a blessing;

    Yet sometimes scientific discoveries may prove a curse upon human race;

    The misuse of scientific discoveries must be prevented.

  • 在英国,建筑和城市规划像其他艺术形式一样,正处在一个前所未有的活跃时期,并赢得国际声誉。今天,城市需要容纳持续增长的人口,全球城市化进程日益迅速。因此,建筑这一领域在世界范围内愈来愈引起人们的关注。当代建筑师和城市规划者们正面临着挑战:他们创造的建筑和公共场所,不仅要在功能、美感和生态方面尽善尽美,还应该与当地环境的自然特征和社会特征保持一致。


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