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Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are two computer-related technologies that may cast a large shadow on education. Much of school planning may be done not by human agents but by programs created by human agents; and much of what was once accomplished by textbooks and occasional field trips will now be performed in virtual reality. One can ask: what is the truth value of materials prepared entirely by non-human entities?

In a turnabout from previous trends, the acquisition of credentials may become less important. Individuals will be able to educate themselves (largely if not wholly) and to exhibit their mastery in a simulated setting. Why pay $120, 000 to go to law school, if one can "read law" as in earlier times and then demonstrate one's legal skills via computer simulation? Or learn to fly a plane by similar means, for that matter?

Technology has revolutionized the world in which schools operate. Now it's time for education to catch up to change.

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