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Section B (5points, 1 points each)

Directions: In this task, there is a passage with 5 questions (51 through 55). Read the passage carefully. Then answer the question in the fewest possible words. The answer should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

There is BUSINESS LETTER here. After reading the letter you should answer the 5 questions following it. Just write a word or a phrase for each answer.

May.16, 2005

Dear Sir,

Your name was given to us by Messrs.J.Aanny & Co., who has been our regular customers for some years. We understand that you are one of the largest manufactures of handmade art and craft products in your country, and we want to avail this opportunity to express our hope of establishment of business relations with you.

We are the leading dealer in art and craft products in this district where Chinese handmade art and craft items are especially popular. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price list for your art and craft products?

We have recently received many inquires from our retailing shops about the said items. We are sure there would be brisk demands on our side. If the quality of your products is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for considerably large numbers.

We would like to know whether you are able to allow us a special discount, say 6%. This would enable us to maintain the favorable selling prices in this area.

We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

How did the addresser(写信人) know the addressee's(收信人) name?


相关标签: 写信人   收信人  

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  • 《五万为何变成三十五万》。 某地信访局编印的《信访情况》(内部简报),摘要刊载了一封群众来信,信中反映:某单位在厂庆活动中铺张浪费,“共花费5万元”,建议上级派人查处。有关人员在核稿时,改为“花费了5万元”。打印时被打成“花费35万元”。加上校对马虎,未被发现、更正,简报下发后引起有关单位对写信人和领导机关的严重不满。事后经调查,该单位花费5万元搞厂庆属实,但简报却变成35万元,是严重失实。为澄清事实,平息风波,编刊单位不得不在另一期简报上做出更正声明,并向有关单位致歉。根据案例分析,秘书应从中吸取什么教训?

  • 4translate the following into an english letter in a proper form.:(20%) 写信人:新路华贸易有限公司 地址:中国上海,兴达路999号金星大厦(golden star mansion)33层 收信人:james brown &sons,由日用品部(daily articles dept)办理 地址:304-310 jalan street,toronto,canada 日期:2000年6月30日 内容: 感谢你6月15日的来函和样品。

  • 文员从事信访工作,在处理顾客或其他人的来信时,不应()。





  • Section B (5points, 1 points each)

    Directions: In this task, there is a passage with 5 questions (51 through 55). Read the passage carefully. Then answer the question in the fewest possible words. The answer should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

    There is BUSINESS LETTER here. After reading the letter you should answer the 5 questions following it. Just write a word or a phrase for each answer.

    May.16, 2005

    Dear Sir,

    Your name was given to us by Messrs.J.Aanny & Co., who has been our regular customers for some years. We understand that you are one of the largest manufactures of handmade art and craft products in your country, and we want to avail this opportunity to express our hope of establishment of business relations with you.

    We are the leading dealer in art and craft products in this district where Chinese handmade art and craft items are especially popular. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price list for your art and craft products?

    We have recently received many inquires from our retailing shops about the said items. We are sure there would be brisk demands on our side. If the quality of your products is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for considerably large numbers.

    We would like to know whether you are able to allow us a special discount, say 6%. This would enable us to maintain the favorable selling prices in this area.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.

    Yours sincerely,

    How did the addresser(写信人) know the addressee's(收信人) name?


  • 要把邮件同时发给多个收信人,可在“收件人”文本框中输入多个收信人的邮件地址,分隔各个邮件地址的字符可以用分号或____。

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