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Mostpeopledrinkteaintheworld.Butteadoesnotmeanthesamethingtodifferentpeople.Indifferentcountries,peoplehavedifferentideas about drinkingtea.

InChina,forexample,teaisoftenservedwhenpeoplegettogether.Chinesepeopledrinkitathomeorinteahousesatanytime of theday.Theyoften use hot waterto boil tea leaves.

TeaisalsoimportantinotherAsiancountries.Peopleinthesecountrieshaveaspecialwayofservingtea.Theyholdateaceremonyintheirhouseswhenimportantguestscome.It isveryold andfull of meaning.Everythingmustbedoneina specialwayin theceremony. There is evena specialroomfor itin their houses.

IntheUnitedStates,peopleusuallydrinkteaatbreakfastortheydrinkitaftermeals.Americansusuallyuseteabagstomaketea.Thiswayisfasterandeasierthanthewayofmakingteain teapots. In summer ,mostAmericansdrink icedtea.They like toput some ice intheir tea.

Do mostpeople drinkteainthe world?What do Chinese people often use to boil tea leaves?When dopeople usually drinkteainthe USA?What kind of tea do mostAmericans drink in summer?What does the underlined word “It” mean?

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  • Zhang Lin is a popular __ in this school and most of her students are her fans.

    A. farmer

    B. doctor

    C. worker

    D. teacher

  • The boys often play _____ basketball after school.

    A. /

    B. a

    C. an

    D. the

  • 英汉互译阅读短文,将文中画线的句子译成汉语或英语。

    MomandDadarethemostimportantpeopleinyourlife.Theyhavebeenlookingafteryou since you were born.67. 你应该一直爱他们。You should also get on well with them. But somechildrendon’t knowhowto do this. Hereare somewaystohelp you.Spendmoretimewith

    yourparents.68.Don’tspendtoomuchtimeplayingcomputergamesorwatchingTV.Askyourparentstoplaywithyou.69.和他们交谈或者散步。Bekindtoyourparents.Youcanmakethemhappywithasmilewhenyoucomehome.Youcansendyourmotheracardon Mother’sDayortellyourfatherajokeonhisbirthday. 70.Youcanalsocleanyourroombyyourself.Workhard. If you do yourbestinyourstudies, your parentswillbe proud of you.


  • 语法填空

    阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空.

    Hi Simon,

    I haven’t written tilI now. I’ve been busy with the course and making new friends 66 I got here. I'm speaking English with my classmates all the time and going out in the evenings with 67 (they).We’re a real mix of nationalities:Chinese, Russian, Italian, Spanish…We talk about kinds of things 68 English and I’m learning a lot about other languages and countries too.

    My host family are very nice. The parents are very 69 (friend)and kind. The children are both in primary school 70 they are very sweet. But they can be a bit annoying(恼人的) too. If we have to watch the film Frozen together one more time, I'm going crazy! I know all the 71 (song)by heart now!

    We live near the school. It’s a short bus ride from Edinburgh city centre. There is 72 ancient castle(城堡)and we’re going there next week. Yesterday my Italian friend invited me 73 (watch)the free street shows. We 74 (see)a magician doing card games—it was so much fun!

    I 75 (send)you some photos of Edinburgh Castle next time. Take care and let me know how you are doing.


  • “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,李白扬起那面执着的风帆,到达他所追寻的“沧海”岸!亲爱的同学们,我们的心中,同样有着属于自己的一面小小风帆。那面风帆或许是我们童年的梦想、现在的追求……亦或是我们正在享受的亲情、友谊、关爱……亦或是我们心中铭刻的快乐、勇敢、自信……亦或是我们坚守的努力、奋斗、超越……风帆上还可能写着我们所热爱的文学、艺术、运动……扬起那面风帆,你就会跨越那片“沧海”,到达你理想的彼岸……






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