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  • 国家实行的城市建设和发展方针是()。





  • 某一级耐火等级的四星级旅馆建筑,建筑高度为128.0m,下部设置3层地下室(每层层高3.3m,和四层裙房,裙房的建筑高度为33.4m,高层主体东侧为旅馆主入口。设置了长12m、宽6m、高5m的门廊,北侧设置员工出入口。建筑主体三层(局部四层)以上外墙全部设置玻璃幕墙。旅馆客房建筑面积为50㎡一96㎡,外窗全部为不可开启窗扇的外窗。建筑周围设置宽度为6m的环形消防车道,消防车道的内边缘距离建筑物外墙6m一22m;沿建筑高层主体东侧和北侧连续设置了宽度为15m的消防车登高操作场地,北侧的消防车登高操作场地距离建筑外墙12m,东侧距离建筑外墙6m。地下一层设置总建筑面积为7000㎡的商店,总建筑面积980㎡的卡拉0K厅(每间房间的建筑面积小于50㎡和1个建筑面积为260㎡的舞厅;地下二层设置变配电室(干式变压器)、常压燃油锅炉房和柴油发电机房等设备用房和汽车库;地下三层设置消防水池、消防水泵房和汽车库。在地下一层,娱乐区与商店之间采用防火墙完全分隔;卡拉oK区域每隔180㎡一200㎡设置了2.00h耐火极限的实体墙,每间卡拉0K的房门均为防烟隔音门。舞厅与其他部分的分隔为2.00h耐火极限的实体墙和乙级防火门;商店内的相邻防火分区之间均有一道宽度为9m(分隔部位长度大于30m)其符合规范要求的防火卷帘。裙房的地上一、二层设置商店,三层设置商店和宝宝乐等儿童活动场所,四层设置餐饮场所和电影院。一层的商店采用轻质墙体在吊顶下将商店隔成每间建筑面积小于100㎡的小商铺,每间商铺的门口均通向主疏散通道,至最近安全出口的直线距离均为5m一35m,商铺进深为8m。裙房与高层主体之间用防火墙和甲级防火门进行了分隔,裙房和建筑的地下室均按国家标准要求的建筑面积和分隔方式划分防火分区。高层主体的疏散楼梯间、客房、公共走道的地面均为阻燃地毯(B1级),客房墙面贴有墙布(B2级);旅馆大堂和商店的墙面和地面均为大理石(A级)装修,顶棚均为石膏板(A级)。建筑高层主体、裙房和地下室的和疏散楼梯均按国家标准采用了防烟楼梯间或疏散楼梯,地下楼层的疏散楼梯在首层于地上楼层的疏散楼梯已采用符合要求的防火隔墙和防火门完全分隔。地下一层商店有3个防火分区分被借用了其他防火分区2.4m疏散净的宽度,且均不大于需借用疏散宽度的防火分区所需的疏散净宽度的30%,每个防火分区的疏散净宽度(包括借用的疏散宽度)均符合国家标准的规定,商店区域的总疏散净宽度为39.6m(各防火分区的人员密度均按0.6人/㎡取值)。建筑按国家标准设置了自动喷水灭火系统、室内外消火栓系统、火灾自动报警系统、防烟系统及灭火器等,每个消火栓箱内配置消防水带、消防水枪、消防水泵接合器直接设置在高层主体北侧的外墙上,地下室、商店、酒店区的公共走道和建筑面积大于100㎡的房间均按国家标准配置了机械排烟系统。根据以上材料。回答下列问题:1.指出该建筑在总平面布局方面存在的问题,并简述理由。2.指出该建筑在平面布置方面存在的问题,并简述理由。3.指出该建筑在防火分区和防火分隔方面存在的问题.并简述理由。4.指出该建筑在安全疏散方面存在的问题,并简述理由。5.指出该建筑内部装修防火方面存在的问题,并简述理由。6.指出该建筑在消防设备配置方面存在的问题。并简述理由。

  • The worst thing about television and radio is that they entertain us, saving us the trouble of entertaining ourselves.
    A hundred years ago, before all these devices were invented, if a person wanted to entertain himself with a song or a piece of music, he would have to do the singing himself or pick up a violin and play it. Now, all he has to do is turn on the radio or TV. As a result, singing and music have declined.
    Italians used to sing all the time. Now, they only do it in Hollywood movies, Indian movies are mostly a series of songs and dances trapped around silly stories. As a result, they don't do much singing in Indian villages anymore. Indeed, ever since radio first came to life, there has been a terrible decline in amateur (业余的) singing throughout the world.
    There are two reasons for this sad decline. One, human beings are astonishingly lazy. Put a lift in a building, and people would rather take it than climb even two flights of steps. Similarly, invent a machine that sings, and people would rather let the machine sing than sing themselves. The other reason is that people are easily embarrassed. When there is a famous, talented musician readily available by pushing a button, which amateur violinist or pianist would want to try to entertain family or friends by himself?
    These earnest reflections came to me recently when two CDs arrived in the mail. They are historic recordings of famous writers reading their own works. It was thrilling to hear the voices from a long dead past in the late 19th century. But today, reading out loud anything is no longer common. Today, we sing songs to our children until they are about two, we read simple books to them till they are about five, and once they have learnt to read themselves, we become deaf. We're alive only to the sound of the TV and the stereo (立体声音响).
    I count myself extremely lucky to have been born before TV became so common: I was about six before TV appeared. To keep us entertained my mother had to do a good deal of singing and tell us endless tales. It was the same in many other homes. People spoke a language; they sang it, they recited it; it was something they could feel.
    Professional actors' performance is extraordinarily revealing. But I still prefer my own reading, because it's mine. For the same reason, people find karaoke (卡拉OK) liberating. It is almost the only electronic thing that gives them back their own voice. Even if their voices are hopelessly out of tune, at least it is meaningful self-entertainment.
    The main idea of this passage is that ______.
    A.TV and radio can amuse us with beautiful songs and music
    B.TV and radio prevent us from self-entertainment
    C.people should sing songs and read books aloud themselves
    D.parents should sing songs and read books aloud to their children

  • 从国内名牌大学毕业后,他放弃了______,选择去一个偏僻的乡村当了一个村官。





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