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相关标签: 小伙子   演讲台  

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  • Eye contact is a nonverbal technique that helps the speaker “sell” his or her ideas to an audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listener interest.A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good rapport (关系) with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus exclusively on their notes. Others gaze over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience interest and esteem. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium (演讲台) or from across the table, are “regarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their target but also as more believable and earnest.”To show the potency of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel awkward and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone.Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor the listeners. It is, in fact, essential for analyzing an audience during a speech. Visual cues (暗示) from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging, that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered.1. This passage is mainly concerned with ______.2. According to the passage, a good speaker must ______.3. The word “target” in the last sentence of the second paragraph can best be replaced by ______.4. In daily life, when the glances of two passers-by happen to meet, these two persons will inevitably ______.5. Eye contact with an audience, according to the author, has all the following benefits for the speaker EXCEPT that it doesn’t ______.

    A.the importance of eye contact B.the potency of nonverbal techniques C.successful speech delivery D.an effective way to gain visual feedbacks
    A.“sell” his or her ideas to an audience B.maintain direct eye contact with listeners C.be very persuasive and believable D.be exceptionally well-disposed
    A.“destination” B.“goal” C.“audience” D.“followers”
    A.smile to each other B.feel awkward and look away immediately C.try to make a conversation with each other D.none of the above
    A.help the speaker to control the audience B.help the speaker to gain audience interest and esteem C.help the speaker to know whether he is talking too much about a certain point D.help the speaker to analyze his audience when he is beginning his speech
  • 洗澡王安忆行李房前的马路上没有一棵树,太阳就这样直晒下来。他已经将八大包书捆上了自行车,自行车再也动不了了。那小伙子旱已注意他了,很有信心地骑在他的黄鱼车上,他徒劳地推了推车,车却要倒,扶也扶不住。小伙子朝前骑了半步,又朝后退了半步,然后说:"师傅要去哪里?"他看了那人一眼停了一下,才说:"静安寺。"小伙子就说:"十五块钱。"他说:"十块钱。"小伙子又说:"十二块钱。"他要再争,这时候,知了忽然鸣了起来,马路对面原来有一棵树,树影团团的。他泄了气似地,浑身没劲。小伙子跃下黄鱼车,三五下解开了绳子,将书两包两包地搬上了黄鱼车。然后,他们就上路了。路上,小伙子问他:"你家住在静安寺?"他说:"是。"小伙子又问:"你家有浴缸吗?"他警觉起来,心想这人是不是要在他家洗澡?便含含糊糊地说:"嗯。"小伙子接着问:"你是在哪里上班?""机关。""那你们单位里有浴缸吗?"小伙子再问,他说:"有是有,不过……"他也想含糊过去,可是小伙子看着他,等待下文,他只得说下去:"不过,那浴缸基本没人洗,太大了,需要很多热水。"路两边的树很稀疏,太阳烤着他俩的背,他俩的汗衫都湿了,从货站到静安寺,几乎斜穿了整个上海。他很渴,可是心想:如果要喝汽水,要不要给他买呢?想到这里,就打消了念头。小伙子又问道:"你每天在家还是在单位洗澡呢?"他先说"在家",可一想这人也许是想在他家洗澡,就改口说"单位",这时又想起自己刚说过单位浴缸没人用,就又补了句:"看情况而定。"那人接着问:"你家的浴缸是大还是小?"他不得已说:"很小。""怎样小?""像我这样的人坐在里面要蜷着腿。""那你就是要把水放满,泡在里面;或者就站在里面,用脸盆盛水往身上泼,反例比较省水。""是的。"他答应道,心里却动了一下,望了一眼那人汗淋淋的身子,想:其实让他洗个澡也没什么,可是想到女人说过"厨房可以合用,洗澡间却不能合用"的一些道理,就再没想下去。这时已到了市区,两边的梧桐树高大而茂密,知了懒洋洋地叫着。风吹在热汗淋淋的身上,很凉爽。 他渴得非常厉害,已经决定去买两瓶汽水,他一瓶,那人一瓶,可是路边却没有冷饮店。"我兄弟厂里,天天有澡洗。"小伙子告诉他。他想问问小伙子有没有工作,有的话是在哪里。可他懒得说话,正午的太阳将他烤干了。望了望眼前明晃晃的一条马路,他不知到了哪里。他想,买两瓶汽水是刻不容缓了。那人也像是渴了,不再多话,只是埋头蹬车,车链条吱吱地响,他们默默骑了一段。他终于看见了一家冷饮店,冰箱轰隆隆地开着。他看到冷饮店,便认出了路,知道不远了,就想:忍一忍吧,很快到家了。为了鼓舞那人,他说:"快到了,再过一条马路,就有条弄堂,穿过去就是。"小伙子振作了一下,然后说:"这样的天气,你一般洗冷水澡还是热水澡?"他支支吾吾的,小伙子又说:"冷水澡洗的时候舒服,热水澡洗过以后舒服。不过,我一般洗冷水澡就行了。"他心里一跳,心想这人真要在他家洗澡了,洗就洗吧,然而女人关于浴缸文明的教导又响起在耳边,就没搭话。到家了,小伙子帮他把书搬上二楼。他付了钱,又从冰箱里倒了自制的橘子水给小伙子喝。小伙子很好奇地打量他的房间,这是两间一套的新公房,然后说:"你洗澡好了,我喝了汽水就走。"这一会儿,他差一点要说"你洗个澡吧",可最终还是把话咽了回去。那人坐了一会儿,喝完了橘子水,又问了些关于他家和单位的问题,就起身告辞了,出门后说:"你可以洗澡了。" (1)小说多次写到"太阳""树"和"知了"等,这样写有哪些作用?请概括说明。 (2)"洗澡"作为这篇小说构思的关键,有主题思想、结构艺术、象征意蕴等多方面的考虑。请选择一个方面,结合全文,陈述你的观点并作分析。

  •  检阅台上的人和成千上万观众的视线都集中 在这一队,集中在这位小伙子身上了。 
     这个小伙子真棒 一名观众说 
     这些小伙子真棒 另一名观众纠正说 
    2.“这个小伙子”是指 ,“这些小伙子”是指____ 。

  • 小伙子是做什么工作的?





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