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  • 审美的客体是。






     ①大自然是一个五彩缤(分 纷)的世界。那么生活在大自然里的动物,看到的这个大千世界的色彩是否与我们人类一样呢? ②正常人的眼睛,能识别红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫色,以及它们之间的各种过渡颜色,约有六十多种。动物虽然生活在多(彩 采) 的天地之间,但是反映到许多动物眼里的色彩,却都变成了黑、白、灰三种颜色,这如同我们看黑白电视一样简单。  ③就哺乳动物来说,它们大多是色(盲 忙)。西班牙的斗牛场上,斗牛士用红色的斗篷向公牛挑战,人们原以为是红色激怒了它。其实,公牛是因为斗篷在眼前不断摇晃,受到烦扰而发怒的。如果换上了别种颜色的斗篷,也会使公牛出现同样反应。 ④在松鼠及其同类黄鼠、花鼠的眼中,外界的颜色并没有红色和绿色之分。对于鹿来说,自然界基本是灰白色的。猫、狗、 羊、马等,都过着平淡无奇的灰色生活,就连人类的“近亲”猿猴也是如此。 ⑤飞禽则不然。除了那些过(贯 惯)了夜生活的猫类如猫头鹰等,因视网膜中没有锥状细胞而无法认色外,许多飞禽都有色的感觉。雄鸟常用艳丽的羽毛吸引雌鸟,如果它们感觉不到颜色,雄鸟也就没有什么魅力可言了。当然,鸟类并不能识别所有的颜色,许多鸟类无法分辨蓝色和紫色。鹣鸟、金翠鸟和金刚鹦鹉等鸟的羽毛,杂有蓝和紫两种颜色,必须在强光下,它们的同伴才能看清。 ⑥在水生动物的眼里,外面的世界很精彩。生物学家用染成红色的幼虫喂鲈鱼。习惯后,改用红色的羊毛喂它,鲈鱼也照吃不误。龙虾、小虾、甲鱼以及爬行动物中的乌龟和蜥蜴等,也都有色的感觉。 ⑦昆虫辨色的天赋也不尽相同,蜻蜓(辨辩)色的能力最强;其次是蝴蝶和飞蛾。苍蝇和蚊子也能看见颜色。苍蝇最讨厌蓝色,因而不愿接近蓝色的门窗、天花板和帐幔。蚊子能够辨别出黄、蓝和黑色,并且偏爱黑色。 ⑧翩翩来去于万紫千红花丛中的蜜蜂,按说应是色彩的鉴赏家了。其实蜜蜂是红色盲,红色和黑色在蜜蜂的眼中都是一样的。蜜蜂能够区分青、黄、蓝三色,但把橙、黄、绿混为一色,它们也分不清蓝色和紫色的差别。然而,蜜蜂却能够看见人类看不到的紫外线,并可以准确地把紫外线和各种深浅不同的白色、灰色区别出来。红色盲的蜜蜂,之所以常拜访鲜艳的红色花朵,正是因为这些红色花能够反射太阳光中紫外线的(缘 原)故。 1.短文中括号里的字有一个是正确的,请打上“√”。2.给短文加个合适的题目吧!3.在文中找出它们的近义词写下来。 打扰——( ) 厌恶——( ) 辨别——( ) 拜见——( )4.读意思,在文中找词语。 (1)形容色彩鲜艳繁多。 ( ) (2)事物平常,没有曲折。 ( ) (3)鉴定和欣赏艺术品等。 ( ) (4)自然赋予,生来就具备的。( ) 5.读读下面的句子,并用加横线的词语造句。 (1)红色盲的蜜蜂,之所以常拜访鲜艳的红色花朵,正是因为这些红色花能够反射太阳光中紫外线的缘 故。  (2)如果换上了别种颜色的斗篷,也会使公牛出现同样反应。  6.仔细读文,判断对错。 (1)西班牙斗牛场上,公牛之所以被激怒是因为它对红色有特殊反应。 ( )  (2)猫头鹰不能识别颜色。 ( )  (3)许多鸟类无法分辨蓝色和紫色。 ( )  (4)昆虫辨色能力的强弱依次是蝴蝶、蜻蜓、飞蛾。 ( )  (5)蜜蜂能看见人类看不到的紫外线。 ( ) 7.短文列举了以下几种动物的辨色能力:哺乳动物、( )、 ( )和( )。

  • In the history of arts patronage(资助,赞助), entrepreneurs-turned-connoisseurs(艺术品鉴赏家,行家) are a young development. The world's greatest museums the Louvre, Hermitage, Prado began as lavish civilization-is-power statements by monarchs and emperors; private individuals did not emerge as significant museum patrons before the 19th century. Until a generation ago. those wanting to leave their mark in bricks usually did so in a room of their own in a state museum: the Duveen Galleries at Tate Britain, the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Gallery at New York's Museum of Modern Art. But in the past 15 years, that has changed: worldwide, collectors seek immortality in glass and steel, through a museum of their own, designed by an architect of their choosing.

    These are not latter-day Henry Tates or Pavel Tretyakovs, democratic visionaries who paid for buildings and donated core collections to kick-start evolving national, state-run institutions. Museum builders of the 1990s and 2000s, by contrast, are products of late capitalism, dedicated to more personal projects, with an individualistic flavor. They represent the legacy of Thatcher-Reagan words of choice, private philanthropy (慈善机构), me-generation celebrity.

    Together, these and scores more bring diversity and flatten old geographical hierarchies. In Istanbul, collector Sakip Sabanci's museum, founded in 2002, is the first ever to show western modernism in Turkey. Thanks to Dominique de Menil, the greatest collection of paintings by Cy Twombly, who lives in Italy, is on permanent show in Houston, Texas, in a gallery designed in 1995 by Renzo Piano. In 1996 the late collector and dealer Heinz Berggmen launched his Museum Berggruen in Berlin, giving Germany its only Picasso collection.

    Is all for the best in the best of all possible worlds? Certainly, more private museums mean more art on display for more people to see. Today's collectors are reluctant to bequeath (遗赠) to established museums, where space shortages mean works may go straight into storerooms and stay there. By contrast, a dedicated museum maintains the integrity of a collection, keeping together outstanding groups of works, assembled with personal flair, in buildings designed to enhance them. Renzo Piano's light, see-through 1997 construction for Ernst Beyeler's cherry-picked modernist paintings in Basel is the shining European example. For contemporary work, private collectors have particular advantages: free of state bureaucracy, they can respond quickly to the fast pace, and show work in ways that are too radical for traditional museums.

    How did the Louvre, Hermitage, and Prado museums originate according to the passage?

    A.Donations of the richest collectors.

    B.Patronage of private individuals.

    C.Collections of connoisseurs.

    D.Encouragements and approval by rulers.

  • 邓拓是一个______的文人,擅长书画,对历史文物研究有精深造诣,堪称优秀的鉴赏家、收藏家;他喜爱诗词,兴之所至,情之所系,时有绝唱;他独创“燕山夜话”杂文文体,厚积薄发,______,一时间风行全国,______。依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

    A、学富五车 文不加点 家喻户晓

    B、殚见洽闻 三纸无驴 万人空巷

    C、伐功矜能 哀梨并剪 脍炙人口

    D、才华横溢 言简意赅 洛阳纸贵

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