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Hiking is ______ (很有趣且振奋人心), but you shouldn't forget safety. (excite)A raft is a small boat ______ (可以用来) to paddle down rivers and streams. (use)A great wave came,______ (推倒了树木) before they reached the house. (sweep)We found some photos of ______ (名胜景区) which were not too far away from

   Chengdu. (interest)

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  • 完成句子。 阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号里的英语单词完成句子。

    Once ____ (译成) Chinese, the book became very popular with Chinese teenagers. (translate)Everyone present at the conference agrees that the suggestion ____ (学生应该学点实用的东西)

       is worth considering. (learn)

    If you want ___ (确保赶上) the plane, take a taxi. (ensure)____ (在紧急情况下保持镇静) and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life

       and death. (calm)

    ___ (未来的生活是什么样子) is the topic for today's class discussion. (be)Jill has been living with HIV/AIDS for twelve years. How I wish she ____ (没有感染) it! (infect)Dr Smith, what I want to know is _____ (全球变暖对地球会有什么影响). (effect)Despite the fact that he met some native speakers face to face for the first time, he _____

      (设法使自己听懂) in his broken English. (manage, make)

    Not until I listened to some speakers _____ (我才意识到) that many of the things I do every

       day are bad for the environment. (realize)

    It is perhaps still unknown to some that 20% of the people on earth ____ (喝不到) clean 

       drinking water. (access)

  • 翻译句子。

    他的疾病与不良的饮食习惯和睡眠不足有关。(be related to)


    他特别喜欢这首歌,因为他母亲过去经常唱。(in particular)


    不要把你妈妈每天早起为你准备早餐看作是理所当然的事情。(take ...for granted)


    你的计划在理论上是有道理的,但在现实中并不可行。(in theory) 


    你应该平均每天花2个小时的时间锻炼。(on average) 


  • 汉译英。


    是照片。(on the one hand, on the other hand) ___________________________



    她发现要让孩子们习惯于每天早起很难。(用it 作形式宾语,accustom)




    翻阅报纸的时候我发现了一篇关于广东台风的新闻报道。(glance through; 用现在分词作状语)


  • 翻译句子。

    这部书以17世纪的西班牙为背景。(be set in)


    当我进来时,他正专心于他的新试验。(apply oneself to)


    他决定到南方去发财,很早就辍学了,然后离开东北的老家去了广州。(make one's fortune; set off)


    约翰博士称这个发现是医药科学的一项重大突破。(refer to ...as ...) 


    他今天情绪不太高,没有心情去外面玩。(in the mood)


  • 翻译句子。

    我们已请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看一下房子。(keep an eye)


    她一生致力于救助穷人。(give one's life to)


    那种衣服样式什么时候变得流行的?(come into fashion) 


    现在,由于自然栖息地遭到破坏,很多稀有动物处于灭绝的危险之中。(in danger) 


    政府已经决定采取强硬措施对付那些逃税的人。 (get tough with) 


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