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You must always ____ ___ ____ the traffic here.


___ ___ ___ to take care of your health. 3.相反的,他死里逃生了. ___ ___ ___ ,he had a ___ _________. 4.约翰在袋子里摸来摸去找钥匙,但哪儿也找不到. John felt in his bag for the key, but it was___ ___ ____ _____ 5.现在除了外貌她还很重视锻炼 Nowadays she ___ ___ ___\__exercise_____ _____her appearance

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  • 完成句子。

     1.据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞. The liner is reported to have been             an oil tanker. 2.一家地方报纸评论说犯罪案件在减少. A local newspaper remarked that crime was            . 3.用不着对他们滥施同情.比起你我,他们的日子要好过得多. Don't waste your sympathy on them.They are much         than you and I. 4.我平生的一件大事,我一生的转折点,现在已经展现在我眼前. A great event in my life,the         of my life,now opens on my view. 5.据说他们会用毒药把他干掉. It is said that they will             him by poisoning him. 6.怀特先生是一个有才能的人,他在公司承担很多任务. Mr.White is a capable person.He             many a task in his company. 7.这位老妇人当听说儿子被判为死刑时突然大哭起来. The old woman burst into tears when she heard her son                . 8.孔雀喜欢炫耀自己漂亮的羽毛. The peacock likes to        its beautiful feathers. 9.恐龙在人类存在上千万年之前就生活在地球上了. Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans            . 10.这位年轻人骑摩托车太快以至于差点儿撞到街上的一个男孩. The young man rode his motorbike so fast that he nearly         a boy on the street.

  • 根据所给的中文提示完成下列句子,每空一词。


     This is the first time that I __ __ __ __ __ ___ problem.


    The old professor __ ___ __ _ __ _______ in physics.

    我认为人与自然界和谐相处是重要的.(形式宾语it )

      I ___ __ ___ for humans __ __ _ ___\_ _____ nature.

    我们一到达车站, 火车就进站了.  (倒装句)

      ___ __ we ___ the railway station ___ the train pulled in.

    显而易见,玛丽尽力要使我们相信她是诚实的. (形式主语it )

      __ _ ___ __ Mary is making great efforts __ ___ __ _______   her honesty.

  • 完成句子

    1.政府计划在郊区建一个大的公园,居民不久就会见到它得以落实。 The government has planned to build a large park in the suburb, which the residents would like to see         soon. 2.他们试图联系那位迷路的远足者但没能成功。 They tried to               the lost tripper but failed. 3.线路繁忙接线人问我是否愿意等一下。 The line was engaged and the operator asked if I'd like to       . 4.你看起来很焦虑,究竟发生了什么事? You look worried. What have you           ? 5.一座新桥正在被建,这两个城镇将会被连接起来。 A new bridge is now being built, and the two towns will         each other. 6.我们明天要考试,如果我和你一起出去的话,老师会责备我的。 We'll have an exam tomorrow. If I             go out with you, our teacher       me. 7.据说那个会议六点钟结束。 It's said that the meeting will               at six o'clock. 8.我建议我们吃完家里的水果后再买。 I suggest that we       more fruits after eating up those at home. 9.我仍记得那件事,就像是在昨天才发生一样。 I still remember the whole thing        it    yesterday. 10.在我看来,电脑将会是大多数人生活中非常重要的一部分。    , I think computers will become an important part of most people's lives.

  • 完成句子

    1.那次特别忧伤的事件给他留下了深刻的印象。 That particularly sad event                         him. 2.我们一拐过弯就看见那城镇了。 The town               as we turned the corner. 3.很多人在观看着那个倒立的男孩。 Many people are watching the boy standing              . 4.考虑野营时应把天气考虑在内。 When considering going camp,we should    the weather         . 5.这次考试成绩将于星期五下午张贴出来。 The exam results will be          on Friday afternoon.  6.说抱歉也不能弥补你打破花瓶的损失。 Saying that you are sorry can’t          the damage of breaking the vase. 7.诚实和辛勤工作有助于一个人的成功和幸福。 Honesty and hard work          one’s success and happiness. 8.在过去的几年中,我一直通过电子邮件和我最好的朋友们保持联系。 During the past few years,I have been                    my best friends through emails. 9.我不知道如何独立地处理这个问题。 I don't know how to          the problem on my own. 10.我不得不说我刚才所说的跟你做的没有任何联系。 I have to say that what I said just now                        what you did.

  • 完成句子。


    Don't _ _ to the public when we will start.


    This morning she admitted she _ _____ _ turning Jim away.


    He _ _ them for help.


    In the old days many girls in the countryside had to _ _ of school.


    The students ran into a brick wall when they asked the principal to _ _ the examination.


    The children _ _ that no one should know anything about the matter. 


    Xiaoming _ _ an excuse for _____ _____ _____.


    I realised it was _ _____ _____ _ her. 


    That novel _____ _____.


    He learns quickly, and _____ _____, he remembers what he has learnt.

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