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超过;多余____________   与…不同________在…中担任角色___________ 因为______许多,大量___________   即使______与…交流 ___________  走近,赶上,上来_______以…为基础/依据__________  与…靠近或接近_______


例如,诸如此类_______信不信由你__________ 利用_________

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  • 翻译。


  • 完成句子。 根据所给汉语用括号内的词语完成下列句子,词数不限。


    ________ they fired a long-range rocket Friday morning, but they failed.  2.在你方便的时候,请帮我将这篇文章打一下.(convenient/ convenience) Please type the article for me ___________________.

    当小偷下了车,他发现自己面对面站在一个警察面前. (find oneself…)

    When the thief got off the bus, _______________

    我是在新中国成立的那年来北京工作的. (found)

    I came to work in Beijing in the year ______________


    Patients will _______________the new treatment.

  • 完成句子。

    The pictures, ________ my happy childhood, were taken when I went camping

       with my classmates. (remind)     我和同学去露营时照了这些照片,它们使我想起了我快乐的童年.

    A balanced diet is necessary and it is suggested by the doctors ________ on the

       food rich in fat and sugar. (cut) 健康的饮食是必要的,医生建议我们少吃高脂肪和高糖分的食物.

    John didn't turn up yesterday. He ________ the meeting. (forget)


    The new bridge is designed to be ________ as the old one and will have been

       built by the end of 2012. (long)   这座新桥的长度是旧桥的两倍,将要在2012年年底完工.

    At present, some new equipment, as well as some new technologies from Canada, _____

       _____ in the production process. (use)   一些新的来自于加拿大的设备和技术正用于生产中.

    Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV ________ much about global

       warming. (learn)   直到我们观看了地球日的电视节目,我们才了解了大量关于全球变暖的问题.

    His ability has never been in doubt-the question is ________ . (chance)


    ________ , there are many fans waiting to see her. (go)


    ______ 65 million years ago still remains a mystery. (disappear)


    The boss asked me ________ the present situation, but there was really no

        quick answer to it. (deal)    老板问我将如何应对目前的状况,我一时不知该如何回答.

  • 翻译题。

    1.  calm down 2.  be concerned about 3.  go through 4.  hide away 5.  set down 6. 一连串 7. 为了 8. 故意 9. 面对面 10. 与……相处;进展

  • Translate the following phrases into Chinese or English.

    1)  play a role (in)             2)  because of               3)  come up                  4)  such as                  5)  one s native language                   6)  标准英语                          7)  在中国的某些地方                  8)  相邻的城市                      9)  全世界                        10) 与……交往                   

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