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  • 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

    ①She lacks________(实际经验).  ②He came up with________(一条很实用的建议)on this  problem.  ③________makes perfect(熟能生巧).  ④We must unite theory with________(实践).  ⑤He ________(练习)playing the piano every day.

  • 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

    ①Let me_____ (给你看)my photos.   ②He is free from any thought of____ (卖弄).   ③The dishonest dealing____ (被揭发了)in yesterday's papers. ④Why didn't you____ (到场)at the meeting the other day? ⑤The guide____ (带领我们参观)the Forbidden City.

  • 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

    ①His books are______(不整齐).  ②My stomach is____(有点毛病).  ③All the papers are_______(不妥当).  ④Put the books ________(整齐).  ⑤Is it_____(妥当)to ask the speaker questions at the meeting?

  • 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

    ①-Will John help us?   -_____ (当然)! He is kind and warm-hearted.   ②I have_____ (下了赌注)that our team will win the first.   ③He has just_____ (打赌输了).   ④It was crazy of him to____ (以……打赌)one of his fingers.

  • 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

    ①We must realize_______(报界的力量). ②_________(根据新闻报道),all the criminals concerned have been arrested. ③ _________(出版自由)is one of our rights. ④It's unwise of parents to_______(硬要孩子吃东西). ⑤______(受我的老师的催促),I decided to have a second try.

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