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  • 翻译句子,注意offer在句中的意义

    Thank you for your kind offer to help.


    The kids offered to do the dishes.


    He offered his seat to the old man.


    He offered $ 4 000 for the car.


  • 翻译句子,体会sharp在句中的意义.

    It was very sharp of you to see that.


    Emma has a sharp tongue.

                                        3. The photograph is not very sharp.                                    

    Accidents often happen where there are sharp bends.


    Please be here at seven o'clock sharp.


    Sharks have sharp teeth.


  • 根据汉语意思完成句子。

    1.我们有一位这起杀人案的目击证人.   We have _               the killing. 2.警察呼吁凡目击这一事故的人与他们联系.   Police have appealed for anyone who    the incident to contact them. 3.他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的.   His good health is               the success of the treatment. 4.演出的成功证明我们计划周全.   The success of the show                our good planning.

  • 翻译句子,注意sort out在句中的意思。

    It was difficult to sort out lies from the truth.


    If you are going to the bus station, can you sort out the tickets for tomorrow?


  • 汉英互译。

    1.  an annual meeting               2.an annual event               3.an annual budget               4.年度报告               5.年收入               6.  年降雨量               7.  足球年刊               8.  这个会议每年举行一次.              

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