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It was very sharp of you to see that.


Emma has a sharp tongue.

                                    3. The photograph is not very sharp.                                    

Accidents often happen where there are sharp bends.


Please be here at seven o'clock sharp.


Sharks have sharp teeth.


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  • 根据汉语意思完成句子。

    1.不要让孩子也卷入我们的争论.   Don't __ the children    our arguments. 2.别让这场讨论拖得太久,我们得作决定.   Let's not ____      this discussion; we need to reach a decision.

  • 汉英互译。

    1.  an annual meeting               2.an annual event               3.an annual budget               4.年度报告               5.年收入               6.  年降雨量               7.  足球年刊               8.  这个会议每年举行一次.              

  • 翻译句子,注意offer在句中的意义

    Thank you for your kind offer to help.


    The kids offered to do the dishes.


    He offered his seat to the old man.


    He offered $ 4 000 for the car.


  • 根据汉语意思完成句子

    1.等西蒙来了,我让他给你回电话.   I'll ask Simon to                when he gets in. 2.我还没来得及解释他就挂断电话了.   He          before I could explain. 3.我明天给你打电话.    I will                 ____tomorrow.

  • 翻译句子。

    The country was dragged into the war.

                                        2.1 managed to drag myself out of bed.                                  

    He dragged behind the others.


    Why must you drag me out to a concert on this cold night?


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