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1.他对她痛苦的遭遇感到同情.   He               her sufferings.


  The seamen went on strike             the dockers. 3.我不同情简,那是她自己的错;   I    __          Jane.It's all her own fault.

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  • 翻译句子,注意sort out在句中的意思。

    It was difficult to sort out lies from the truth.


    If you are going to the bus station, can you sort out the tickets for tomorrow?


  • 翻译句子,注意offer在句中的意义

    Thank you for your kind offer to help.


    The kids offered to do the dishes.


    He offered his seat to the old man.


    He offered $ 4 000 for the car.


  • 完成句子.

    这种设备可向您当地的供应商购买。  Theequipmentcanbe      fromyourlocalsupplier.

  • 他就是不同意我独自步行回家。
    He would             my walking home alone.

  • 翻译句子。

    The country was dragged into the war.

                                        2.1 managed to drag myself out of bed.                                  

    He dragged behind the others.


    Why must you drag me out to a concert on this cold night?


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