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    1.How many ___\_(竞争者) from how many countries ______(进行比赛)? 2.I heard that the reception was ________(举办) by the Prime Minister. 3.He is now ________(采访) Lili,a Chinese girl. 4.He finally ________(承认作弊) in the exam. 5.Teachers will never ________(取代) by computers in the classroom. 6.The new law only ________(和……有关) marriage. 7.We have only two periods of ________(体育课). 8.Now you are asked to make a poster to ________(为……登广告) a sporting event. 9.Even though I tried hard,I finally failed to ________(遵守我的诺言).

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    1.I'm sorry,but I didn't mean to ________(使你心烦). 2.Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to ________(使你朋友平静下来). 3.Rescuers ________(关心) the safety of the men trapped in the fire. 4.We are surprised at ________(他对法律的忽视). 5.Any student caught ________(作弊) in the exam will be punished. 6.The kids________(疯狂) when the film star appeared. 7.We ___\_(共有) the same interest and she ______(分担) my troubles as well. 8.The war brings so much ________(痛苦) that people are eager for peace. 9.Having done something wrong,he ________(不敢) go home. 10.The heavy snow prevented all the ________(与……的联系) the outside world.′

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    Her cheerful spirits ________(感染了) the whole class.As a young boy he showed great interest in ___\_(科学) and did many ______(科学的)

    experiments in his spare time,which would make him a great ________(科学家) in time.

    After a long discussion,they ________(得出结论) that the man was lying.Today I have some important things ________(处理).The baby was left ________(毫无遮蔽的) to the wind and rain.We are ready to ________(承担责任) for what happened.The teacher ___\_(宣布) that we would have a few days off and there would be ______(通知) for the exact time.I ________(接到指令) to wait here until the lecturer arrives.Does smoking ________(对……起作用;贡献) lung cancer?Our idea to set up a music club in the neighbourhood meet many ________(拒绝).
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    You don't need to ________(打扮) just to go the pubjeans and a Tshirt will do.We may never discover what ________(发生) that night.A service was held ________(纪念) those who had died in the earthquake.She was ________(盼望) seeing the grandchildren again.I felt ________(好像) I'd been lying in the sun for hours.What time will we have to ________(动身) for the station tomorrow?She ________(出现) at my house late one night.He promised to help and he ________(实现诺言).How long can you ________(屏住呼吸) in water?Your hair and eyes ____ me ____ your mother.(使想起)I never thought that they were ________(开玩笑) me. I was very disappointed.On Sundays children often ________(玩得高兴) each other. They are very happy.After the heavy rain the machines were kept running ________(日夜) to pump water.
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    The two nations ________(在文化和宗教方面差异很大).Who will ________(承担责任) the potential failure of the project?Iraq has been in a ________(局势不安) situation for a long time.Many local people ________(反对建新机场) on the rich farmland.The purpose of learning is not just ________(积累知识).I  ________(不想麻烦她) with my financial problem.Skiing ________(最近颇受年青人的青睐).I  can't ________(抵挡住巧克力的诱惑).

    9.They  ________(以花、气球装点了房间) for my birthday.

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