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You don't need to ________(打扮) just to go the pubjeans and a Tshirt will do.We may never discover what ________(发生) that night.A service was held ________(纪念) those who had died in the earthquake.She was ________(盼望) seeing the grandchildren again.I felt ________(好像) I'd been lying in the sun for hours.What time will we have to ________(动身) for the station tomorrow?She ________(出现) at my house late one night.He promised to help and he ________(实现诺言).How long can you ________(屏住呼吸) in water?Your hair and eyes ____ me ____ your mother.(使想起)I never thought that they were ________(开玩笑) me. I was very disappointed.On Sundays children often ________(玩得高兴) each other. They are very happy.After the heavy rain the machines were kept running ________(日夜) to pump water.

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  • The game ________(因下雨中断了).I didn't see your car, so I ________(认为你出去了).My teacher is always smoking in class, ________(不管学生的健康).You can't even cut up meat with the knife; it ________(需要磨一下).Efforts ________(维护和平) have failed.The book gives a ________(贫困及其根源的详细分析).________(具体问题总是具体对待).The new drug ________(对这种病的治疗有重大意义).There exist significant differences between ________(西方和我们的教育制度).The ambassador's wonderful speech ________(赢得了经久不息的热烈掌声).A few words of comfort ________(消除了她的疑虑).My watch ________(走得不太准).
  • 词汇运用

    He has ___\_(强烈的求知欲) knowledge,but there were few books to ______(满足他的欲望).The education system must ________(满足需要) of all sides for the full development of children.Most mistakes of the students are made due to their ________(心不在焉).She lives in London,________(更确切地说) in the suburb of London.Would you please go away and ________(别管我)?May I ask you to ____ the police station(陪我去)?If you have something to ask,don't hesitate to ________(给我打电话).If you want to learn English well,you must be prepared to ________.(使自己尴尬)The thief disappeared before I ________.(转过身来)It is said that the president has ________(和……有绯闻) a beautiful actress.
  • 词汇运用.

    1.They hoped to ________(实现他们的目标) by the end of the year. 2.She will join us ________(有一个条件). 3.Operator,please ________(给我接通) Mr. Wang. 4.We all respect him for ________(他的奉献) to his career. 5.Although she is already in her thirties,she ________(行为像个小孩子). 6.It is ________(值得) to read the book again. 7.He is ________(很受尊敬) in our town. 8.They are always ________(为钱争吵). 9.________(让孩子们高兴的是),he fell in the water. 10.His words ________(鼓舞着我们) to make greater efforts. 11.Jane spent many years ________(观察) and recording their daily activities. 12.We ________(下决心) to learn English well.

    A big earthquake ________(袭击) the city last year.

    14.We are told the matter is still ________(正在考虑中).

  • 完成句子

    1 .As ________(社会发展了)day by day ,with more and more advanced technology and ever -increased social wealth ,the nowaday world is totally different from ever before.(develop) 2 .Scientists ________(已计算出)that the world's population will double by the end of the century.(calculate) 3 .Still ,there are some students who don't realize the use ________(我们利用)the information.(make) 4 .I'm trying to find a free site ________(我能下载)korean songs.(download) 5 .For a city as developed as Shanghai ,the problem of queue -jumping simply ________(不该出现) .(arise) 6 .We've been told the good news ,but when and where to go for the exciting vacation ________(还未讨论)yet.(discuss) 7 .If I had played with him ,I ________(对付他)as he dealt with me.(deal) 8 .I'll never forget Mr.Smith ,________(在他的帮助下)we have made great progress.(help) 9 .The fifth generation computers ,with artificial intelligence ,________(正在研制) and perfected now.(develop) 10 .She found it rather embarrassing ________(受到监视)while she played it.(watch)

  • 词汇运用

    1.How many ___\_(竞争者) from how many countries ______(进行比赛)? 2.I heard that the reception was ________(举办) by the Prime Minister. 3.He is now ________(采访) Lili,a Chinese girl. 4.He finally ________(承认作弊) in the exam. 5.Teachers will never ________(取代) by computers in the classroom. 6.The new law only ________(和……有关) marriage. 7.We have only two periods of ________(体育课). 8.Now you are asked to make a poster to ________(为……登广告) a sporting event. 9.Even though I tried hard,I finally failed to ________(遵守我的诺言).

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