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The game ________(因下雨中断了).I didn't see your car, so I ________(认为你出去了).My teacher is always smoking in class, ________(不管学生的健康).You can't even cut up meat with the knife; it ________(需要磨一下).Efforts ________(维护和平) have failed.The book gives a ________(贫困及其根源的详细分析).________(具体问题总是具体对待).The new drug ________(对这种病的治疗有重大意义).There exist significant differences between ________(西方和我们的教育制度).The ambassador's wonderful speech ________(赢得了经久不息的热烈掌声).A few words of comfort ________(消除了她的疑虑).My watch ________(走得不太准).

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    Our teacher often tells us only by working hard every day ________(我们才能进入)to a

    better university at last. (admit)

    In modern Olympic Games not only ________(妇女被容许), but play a very important

    role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and....(allow)

    He is just the person with ________(你和他比赛的) in tomorrow's match. (complete)It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime ________(更有可能) put on

    weight. (likely)

    The man made a promise to the reporters __________(绝不告诉其他人)where the old

    cave was. (tell)

    When asked ________(最需要的东西), the kids said they wanted to feel important and

    loved. (what)

    We are painting the walls as well as ____________(修理屋顶). (repair)I'm calling to enquire about the position __________(刊登)in yesterday's China Daily.(advertise)Many new workers ________(培训)and in half a year they will be sent to build a new

    railway. (train)

    With exactly two years to go until the London 2012 Olympic Games, Panasonic Corporation,

    announced today that a one-day event called "Get Ready for London 2012" in Trafalgar Square on July 27, 2010 to mark the occasion, ________(主办). (host)

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    It was very dangerous because if I was caught I ________(我可能要坐牢). (put)The old man became very worried, standing at the gate, unable to find a man to ________(他可以求助的). (turn)Only then ________(他才愿意)take my advice that the meeting be put off. (willing)The old man ________(非常喜欢)travelling that he spent almost all his savings for it.


    What's the name of the place ________(你度假的) last year? (spend)Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first ________(登上月球的). But they were

    not the last. (land)

    On the mountain ________(有一座庙)at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above

    the sea level. (lie)

    The miners ________(被困的)in the mine for days were finally rescued.(trap)It was because of his burning up the government building ________(他被判刑)2 years.


    It is reported that many a new house __________(被建造)at present in the disaster area.


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    ________(我突然想起) that I saw him on my way home yesterday. (occur)No sooner ________(他刚一到达) at the lab than he got down to the research work

    with his partners.(arrive)

    The little girl was left alone at home without anybody ______(照顾她). (look)My daughter seemed ________(打扮) in the living room when I was chopping up the


    It's said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they ______

    (不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide. (do)

    On the wall hangs a picture, ________(这使我时常想起)of the happy hours when I

    stayed with farmers. (remind)

    We are looking forward to ________(有机会)to watch the opening ceremony of the

    London 2012 Olympic Games. (give)

    Even though Jack has failed many times in his experiment, he holds a belief ______

    (他会成功)one day if he carries on with it. (succeed)

    The accident served as a reminder of just ____________(多么危险)driving after

    drinking. (how)

    At the award ceremony, Mr. Jackson said, "For me, there has been ______

    (没有更大的回报) than your support." (great)

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    1 .This is still a hot research topic and different methods ________(仍在设计中) ,tested and compared ,each with different pros and cons.(design) 2 .When they were arguing over the matter ,she just pretended to ________(什么也没听到) .(hear) 3 .________(正如预料的那样) ,he broke his promise once more ,which left his friends down.(expect) 4 .The letter for ________(他一直等待的)is from his former headteacher.(wait) 5 .Whether or not the operation was successful ,________(这有待观察) .(remain) 6 .Luckily ,Wenchuan ,where everything __________(成为废墟) ,has already taken on a new look.(lie) 7 .The man who has the rare Ming Dynasty vase insists that it ________(属于) his family. (belong) 8 .I am still in doubt to ________(这部手机是谁的) .(belong) 9 .Last night's TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ________(未证实)yet. (prove) 10 .Since the beginning of the vacation ,I __________(旅游)across the country ,and my next stop is Mount Tai.(travel)

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    With an effort, he held himself in and pretended ________(没有听见)the sad news. (hear)Little ________(我梦想) one day entering a university at that time. (dream)Learning strategies, to ________(老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough

    attention of students. (attach)

    It is Tim, my best friend in my childhood, who tells me he always dreams of ______

    (有机会) for him to go to Shanghai to study and live there. (there)

    The news that two men robbed the bank yesterday ________(广播)several times on

    TV today. (broadcast)

    To our surprise, the stadium, ________(竣工于1964年) is still in good state. (complete)I will never forget the happy hours ________(我与他们生活在一起的) last year. (live)The work of Beethoven, although frequently ________(演奏), are still popular with

    people all over the world. (perform)

    With the rapid development of agriculture and industry, now the city is ________(两倍大)

    what it was ten years ago. (size)

    Not until he left his home ________(他开始)to know how important the family was

    for him. (begin)

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