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With an effort, he held himself in and pretended ________(没有听见)the sad news. (hear)Little ________(我梦想) one day entering a university at that time. (dream)Learning strategies, to ________(老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough

attention of students. (attach)

It is Tim, my best friend in my childhood, who tells me he always dreams of ______

(有机会) for him to go to Shanghai to study and live there. (there)

The news that two men robbed the bank yesterday ________(广播)several times on

TV today. (broadcast)

To our surprise, the stadium, ________(竣工于1964年) is still in good state. (complete)I will never forget the happy hours ________(我与他们生活在一起的) last year. (live)The work of Beethoven, although frequently ________(演奏), are still popular with

people all over the world. (perform)

With the rapid development of agriculture and industry, now the city is ________(两倍大)

what it was ten years ago. (size)

Not until he left his home ________(他开始)to know how important the family was

for him. (begin)

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    ________(我突然想起) that I saw him on my way home yesterday. (occur)No sooner ________(他刚一到达) at the lab than he got down to the research work

    with his partners.(arrive)

    The little girl was left alone at home without anybody ______(照顾她). (look)My daughter seemed ________(打扮) in the living room when I was chopping up the


    It's said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they ______

    (不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide. (do)

    On the wall hangs a picture, ________(这使我时常想起)of the happy hours when I

    stayed with farmers. (remind)

    We are looking forward to ________(有机会)to watch the opening ceremony of the

    London 2012 Olympic Games. (give)

    Even though Jack has failed many times in his experiment, he holds a belief ______

    (他会成功)one day if he carries on with it. (succeed)

    The accident served as a reminder of just ____________(多么危险)driving after

    drinking. (how)

    At the award ceremony, Mr. Jackson said, "For me, there has been ______

    (没有更大的回报) than your support." (great)

  • 下面有关植物激素的叙述,错误的是

    [  ]


  • 完成句子

    1 .The goods will be well packed after ________(认真检查) ,and sent to the named port for sailing.(inspect) 2 .As we drew closer ,I could see a whale ________(遭受攻击)by a pack of about six other killers.(attack) 3 .No one has come up with a convincing explanation of ________(恐龙为什么灭绝了) .(die) 4 .Mr.Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention ________(讨论) at the meeting.(discuss) 5 .As ________(空气正在受到污染) ,many kinds of wild animals are dying out.(pollute) 6 .________(正如报告里所说) ,the new machine will work twice as fast ,thus reducing costs.(put) 7 .Had I known about this computer program ,a huge amount of time and energy ________(省下了) .(save) 8 .It is for the first time in my life ________(我认识到了) the importance the government has attached to the environmental protection.(appreciate) 9 .At present ,lots of food ,water ,tents ,and medicine ________(正在运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake -stricken areas.(transport) 10 .So difficult ________(我感到) it to live in an English -speaking country that I determined to learn English well.(feel)

  • 完成句子

    1 .After ________(致力于) in the research for so many years , the scientist succeeded in finding the result at last.(bury) 2 .I am sorry that I can not meet you at the airport.I ________(将离开武汉)by the time you come back from abroad.(leave) 3 .They would send up another satellite ,__________(据上周报道) ,with the help of the foreign company.(report) 4 .It rained for two weeks on end ,completely __________(毁了我们的假期) .(ruin) 5 .Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it __________(发生在昨天) .(happen) 6 .I think ________(任何做出更大贡献的人)to the company than the others should get the highest income.(whoever) 7 .The city ________(我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow) 8 .Then later that afternoon ,another big quake which was ________(几乎一样强烈的)as the first one shook Tangshan.(as) 9 .I enjoyed very much the three years ______(我花费的)to study English at school.(take) 10 .She is rather difficult to make friends with ,but her friendship ,________(一旦获得)is more true than any other.(gain)

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