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阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子. 1.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep,________ a sweet dream.(have) 睡觉之前闻着花香,你会做一个美梦. 2.With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank_______ _____my dad. (buy) 父亲节快到了,我从银行取了些钱给爸爸买礼物. 3.____________my classmates, I read the same excitement in their eyes.(look) 看着我的同学们,从他们的眼里我读出同样的兴奋. 4.Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock,____________supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake. (send) 地震后,许多救援工人不分昼夜地工作,给青海玉树发送救援物资. 5.The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake, ________the students to return to their classrooms.(enable) 这位退休老人把自己大部分的积蓄捐给了被地震毁掉的学校,使学生们能够重新回到教室. 6.There were many talented actors out there just____________.(wait; discover) 那儿有很多有天赋的演员等待着被人发掘. 7.She had a picture taken ____________on either side of the longitude line.(stand) 她站在经度线的两边分别照了一张相. 8.It is essential that the program ____________into computer.(load) 把这个程序输入电脑很有必要. 9.It seemed incredible that such a little boy ____________two foreign languages.(acquire) 这么小的男孩竟然学会了两种外语真是令人难以置信. 10.I have told you the truth. Must I keep __________?(repeat) 我已经告诉你真相了.我还得不停地重复吗?

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  • 完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

    1.In no way____________when an accident occurs, so that you have more chances to     survive.(panic) 意外发生的时候决不能惊慌,只有这样你才有更多的机会逃生. 2.Getting into a good position, our striker ____________when he was tackled and lost the     ball.(about) 我们的球手到达一个好位置,他正要射门的时候被拦截了,球丢了. 3.The most promising candidate was believed ____________abundant experience in management.(equip) 人们认为最有希望的那个候选人具备了丰富的管理经验. 4.Our school provides us with a diverse range of selective courses, ________     automobile engineering.(vary) 学校给我们提供了各种选修课程,从艺术到汽车工程. 5.But for the sudden thunderstorm, the two highspeed trains____________.(crash) 如果不是突如其来的雷雨,那两辆高速列车也不可能相撞. 6.Drivers were touched by the scene __________, directing the traffic in the burning sun.     (bathe) 司机们被警察汗流浃背地在烈日下指挥交通的情景打动了. 7.____________work oversea for several years, he has no idea what changes took place in his motherland.(appoint) 被委派到海外工作了好几年,他不知道祖国发生了怎样翻天覆地的变化. 8.________ by the lava from the volcanic eruption aroused an enormous amount of     concern throughout the country.(burn) 村庄被火山喷发的熔岩烧成了平地,这引起了全国人民的担心. 9.By the time he returns to the dormitory, his roommates ____________.(make) 等他回到寝室的时候,他的室友都回家了. 10.________ climb from the end of the road to the top of the mountain.(take) 从路的尽头爬到山顶要花费他一个小时的时间.

  • 完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

    ____________,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing many

      similarities.(compare) 在比较不同的文化时,我们总是只注意到差异而忽略了许多相似点.

    ____________,huge quantities of good earth are being washed away each year.(with)


    After a heated discussion at the meeting, most of the people ____________.(build)


     I had no idea ________ the car accident took place.(that)


    In order to save the energy, you should turn off the electric appliance ________ it.(so)


    The accident ________ of two people has been reported on the newspaper.(result)


    But for the note you left, I ________ close the door.(forget)


    Without the government's great determination, ____________the miners wouldn't be able to come back to the ground after so many days.(that)


    Exercise, as well as a balance diet__________your health. (difference)


    We might as well buy things made from recycled materials as possible as we can, because __________to make things from new materials.(take)


  • 完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

    The public cast doubt on the official reason for the train crash ____________an abrupt thunderstorm.(meet)

    官方关于火车事故的原因解释是火车遭遇到突然的雷雨,该原因遭到公众质疑.  2. Is this software ________ evaluates the safety of the building being built?(architect) 这就是建筑师用来评估在建大楼安全系数的软件吗?

    The father pretended ____________his daughter in business, but actually her success owed a great deal to him.(assist)


    ____________by his fellow colleagues discouraged the disabled young man and hurt his dignity.(make)


    Every time grandma ____________after climbing the stairs. I was quite concerned about her health.(breath)

    每次爬完楼梯后祖母总是上气不接下气,我非常担心她的身体.  6. Not only ____________the fast rhythm of city life, but she is becoming more and more outgoing.(adapt) 她不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗了.

    I have no the slightest idea what it is ______ in store for me.(hold)


    Had it not been for students' constant absences, the professor____________.(annoy)


    Sally, as well as her parents, ________ the noise recently due to the construction of the underground.(suffer)


    ____________by the heavy snow for a whole month, the village is now desperate for food and basic necessities.(cut)


  • 完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

    How time flies! Two years has been ________.(realize)


    ________ is that they are creative and strongwilled.(what; common)


    _______ the _Earth _Day_ program on TV that we knew much about global warming.

       (until) 直到我们在电视上看了《地球日》这个节目,我们才对全球气候变暖更加了解.

    Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and success are ____________.(what)


    ____________that very few people make a complete shopping list before going to the

       supermarket, especially on Christmas Eve. (find) 已经发现很少有人在购物之前会写下完整的购物单,尤其是在圣诞前夜.

    Many people ____________when others talk to them with their mouthful. (hate)


    People always ____________that those who get good grade in the entrance examination

       will prove to be the most successful.(grant) 人们总是理所当然地认为在高考中取得高分的人会是最成功的.

    The boy ____________his experience that he fainted when the doctor put a needle in his

       arm and took out some blood. (ashamed) 这个男孩对于在医生把针扎进他的手臂抽血的时候晕倒这个经历感到羞愧. 9. When he was at college, he developed an interest in music,________ a lot in his later     life.(benefit) 当他上大学的时候,他对音乐产生了兴趣,在以后的日子里他从中获益匪浅.

    ____________,he had no difficulty covering 20 kilometers in four hours.(accustom)


  • 完成句子 阅读下列各小题, 根据每句后的汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

    He tried enthusiastically to join the army but to his disappointment ended up ______

       because of poor eyesight.(turn) 他满腔热情地想要参军, 但令他失望的是最终因为视力不好被拒绝了.

    ____________in the annual report, the number of Spanish speakers in the US will be higher than that of English speakers by the year 2090.(state)

    正如年度报告里所陈述的, 到2090年, 美国说西班牙语的人数将会超过说英语的.

    It was desired by the professor ____________all the participants when there was even a

       slightest change in the state of the virus. (ring) 一旦病毒状态有任何变化, 教授要求他给所有的参与者打电话.

    ____________could Holmes settle down and dive into his logical deduction.(leave)

    直到他独处时, 福尔摩斯才能静下心来投入到他的逻辑推理中.

    With piles of problems ____________, his father set off earlier for his office.(attend)

    因为有一大堆的问题要处理, 他父亲很早就出发去办公室了.

    If only we ________ some money when we were young, we would be able to afford

       a journey around the world after retirement.(set) 要是我们年轻的时候能存些钱就好了, 那样的话退休后我们就能支付得起去环游世界的费用了.

    It is your ambition, rather than encouragement from others, ____________assist you to

      succeed in time. (bound) 最终必定会帮助你成功的是你的志向而不是别人的鼓励.

    It was a pity for him and the literature world ____________hidden in a napkin, otherwise he would make history. (have)

    让他的天分被一张餐巾纸掩盖, 对于他和文学界来说都是一件遗憾的事;否则的话他就能创造历史了.

    He couldn't have been threatened by any danger as he ____________nurses and doctors at hospital when we were out of the hospital.(accompany)

    他不会有任何危险的, 因为我们离开医院时, 有护士和医生陪着他.

    Smoking does great harm to your lung as well as your family members, eventually ________ your quality of life.(affect)

    吸烟对你的肺和你的家人造成巨大的伤害, 最终会影响你的生活质量.

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