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   A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students on stress management. He  1  a glass of water and asked the audience, "How  2   do you think this glass of water is?"    The students' answers  3   from 20g to 500g.    "It does not matter on the absolute  4  . It depends on how  5  you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for a(n)  6 , I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to  7  an ambulance. It is exactly the  8 weight, but the longer I hold it, the  9 it becomes." The whole audience became silent, lost in thought.     After a moment, the lecturer continued, " 10 we carry our burden all the time, 11 , we will not be able to carry on with the burden becoming increasingly heavier, 12 heavy for us to bear."     "What you have to do is to 13 the glass, rest for a while 14 holding it up again."     As is shown in the story above, we have to put down the burden periodically, 15 we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.     So before you 16 home from work tonight, put the burden of 17 down. Don't carry it back 18 . You can pick it up tomorrow.     Whatever burden you are having now on your 19 , let it down for a moment if you can.     Life is short, 20 it!

(   )1. A. supported    (   )2. A. heavy     (   )3. A. differed   (   )4. A. weight     (   )5. A. tight     (   )6 . A. day     (   )7. A. require    (   )8. A. proper     (   )9. A. less     (   )10. A. If       (   )11. A. now and then   (   )12. A. too     (   )13. A. put away    (   )14. A. after      (   )15. A. so that    (   )16. A. leave     (   )17. A. life      (   )18. A. home      (   )19. A. shoulders    (   )20. A. do     

B. drank       B. pure          B. ranged        B. volume        B. long          B. second        B. invite         B. same         B. lighter        B. Unless         B. little by little    B. so           B. put down       B. for          B. even if        B. clean        B. duty         B. office         B. heart         B. like       

C. needed     C. sweet     C. numbered    C. height     C. difficult    C. hour       C. call        C. right       C. more      C. While      C. sooner or later     C. rather       C. put aside      C. by       C. as if       C. approach    C. task       C. company      C. body         C. love      

D. raised    D. many     D. limited    D. quantity   D. high     D. half     D. ask      D. usual     D. heavier    D. Since     D. sometimes             D. quite     D. put back   D. before    D. as soon as  D. return    D. work     D. family    D. hands     D. enjoy    

相关标签: 完形填空  

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  • 书面表达。

       假设你叫李华。你校原外籍教师Mrs. Smith曾经在外语学习上给过你很多帮助。她上周从澳大利亚 来信,询问你英语学习情况。最近你在外语考试中,听力、阅读和写作进步很大,但在做“完形填空” 时还存在一些问题。请给Mrs. Smith写一封回信,回顾她对你的帮助,说明目前学习状况,分析取得进 步的原因和存在的问题,并请她提出指导意见。    注意:    1. 词数120-150个;    2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好。    参考词汇:完形填空 Cloze Test Dear Mrs Smith,    Thank you very much for your letter last week.     I hope this letter will find you happy and healthy. Please remember m0e to your family. ______ _______________________________ _______________________________                                                                         Yours,                                                                          Li Hua

  •   假设你叫李华。你校原外籍教师Mrs.Smith曾经在外语学习上给过你很多的帮助。上周她从澳大利亚来信,询问你高考英语的复习情况。最近你在外语考试中,听力、阅读和写作进步很大,但在做完形填空时还存在一些问题。请你给Mrs.Smith写封回信,感谢她对你的帮助,说明目前学习状况,分析取得进步的原因和存在的问题,并请她提出指导意见。
    3.参考词汇:完形填空Close Test
    Dear Mrs. Smith,
    Thank you very much for your letter last week.
    I hope this letter WIll find you happy and healthy. Please remember me to your family.
    Li Hua

  • 听力单选对10个 听力填空对1个 快速阅读对4个 选词填空那个阅读对8个 仔细阅读对8个 完形填空对19个 翻译对2个 作文不怎么样 能过吗这样 谢谢 好期待英语四级能过啊 有经验的帮忙回答下 谢啦

  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。 My father believed that there were mysterious forces(神秘的力量)at work in the world. One day, he was lecturing me on these mysterious forces (36) suddenly the door opened, and a woman entered,(37) two geese. She smiled (38) and looked frightened. "Yusef , I have a very (39) problem. These dead geese, they keep shrieking(尖声叫 )insuch a sad voice. . . " (40) hearing this, my father turned pale. "(41)dead geese don' t shriek," my mothercut in. "You' II hear for yourself ,"replied the woman. It is impossible t0 (42) what I heard. Myhands grew (43 and I wanted to run from the room. Father was no less (44 ) than I was. He jumped away from the table. " Yusef ,what shall I do?"the woman cried. "(45)? I' m a poor woman. Two geese! They (46) me a fortune! " Father did not know what to answer. (47)face was growing sharper and more (48 ) . "I want to hear it again ,"she said. And so for the second and the third time, the shrieks were (49).Nobody said anything. The woman asked ,"Well ,l didn' t (50) it, did I?" Suddenly my mother laughed. "Did you (51 the windpipes(气管)?"my mother asked. " The windpipes? No. . . " " Let me (52) ,"said Mother. She took hold of one of the geese, and pulled out the windpipe She did the same with the other one. I was surprised by my mother' s (53) . "Now, try it again. "I was (54) to hear the geese shriek, but they were dead silent. "There is always (55). Dead geese don't shriek,"said my mother. "Now go home and cook them for the meal. They won ' t make a sound in your pot. "

    [A]when [B]while [C]then [D]later

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