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   Once many years ago, I pulled a family out of a burning car somewhere in Wyoming. Last week I received a telephone call from a woman who could not stop crying as she told me that one of my stories had saved her son from committing suicide. In closing she called me a hero.    That got me thinking about what a hero really is. Was I a hero because I pulled a family from a burning car? If so, how could I be a hero just because I wrote a story that saved someone's life?     Today I decided to look up the word "hero" in the dictionary to see exactly what it meant. It read "a person who does something brave". As I read on, it also said "a person who is good and noble".     That statement impressed me more than the part about being brave. So I thought about something very important. Say I was walking into the local Wal-Mart Store and I happened to open, and hold the door for someone as a courtesy. As they passed me by, I say, "How are you today?" Most of the time that would be no big deal, but this time let's say it was for someone who was deeply depressed and near the end of the rope. That may have very well been the only kindness or courtesy shown to them in a very long time.    Having been near "the end of my rope", after my marriage of twenty years ended, I was in such a condition. I was within hours trying to get up enough courage to end the pain and misery. When I returned home, someone had sent me a card in the mail which told me how much they would appreciate me as a friend. That wonderful card probably saved my life. That person, without even knowing it, saved a life and became a hero.    The many stories I-kept writing in the following years saved the life of a teenage boy. In turn that makes the person who sent me the card a double hero. I suppose that is why I fight so hard to help the children now living in orphanages (孤儿院). Most children come out of these institutions with a very hard and bitter attitude against the world. The gifts we send them let them know that they have not been forgotten. Hopefully, most of them will never hurt anyone because of the kindness shown to them by those of us who cared. If it works, we will also become "heroes".    Gee, who would have ever thought that anyone can become a hero, and, possibly save a life, just by being kind and courteous to others? The best part of all is that becoming a hero is free to all who wish to wear such an honor.

Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Why Should You Be A Hero? B. What Exactly Is A Hero? C. I Am A Hero D. Everyone Is A Hero

The underlined word "courtesy" in Paragraph 4 means the behaviour that is _____.

A. both polite and respectful B. both brave and fearless C. both thoughtful and considerate D. both cute and kind 

The underlined word "it" in the last sentence of Paragraph 5 refers to _____.

A. the wonderful card the writer received B. the action of sending the card C. the fact that the sender saved the writer D. the fact that the sender was a true friend

According to this passage, which of the following can be considered as the behaviour of a hero?

A. Holding a door open for someone. B. Sending someone a wonderful card. C. Keeping writing many stories for children. D. Being kind to someone who has a hard time.

相关标签: 孤儿院   阅读理解  

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