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The key to a good interpersonal relationship is simple once you understand the role that needs play in making a relationship weak, moderate, average, or strong. A person who fails in a relationship is someone who neglects the needs of his or her partner. So the first step to establish a successful relationship is to find out what needs the other person has. It is also very important to understand your own needs so that you can help the other person in the relationship to meet your needs. Unfortunately, not only do many people fail to see or to understand their partner’s needs, but they do not understand their own. Children have wonderful relationships with their parents as long as their needs are being satisfied. When the needs are not satisfied, the relationship changes and problems arise. As a child grows, needs change; it is necessary that parents recognize these changes. As it is with the child to the parents, it is also with the parents to the child. The way to recognize the needs of other people is by their responses to you. When you do or say something and you get a positive response, you are well on the way to being recognized. The same goes for you. What is it that you respond to in a positive manner? What do you feel good about getting and about doing? What are you totally guiltless about? What can you do with complete confidence and fearlessness? What emotional scene can you control without fear or guilt? Look in these areas for your needs and you will in all probability find your answers. As stated, our own needs are often hidden. The techniques covered in the power of self-mind control will allow you to discover your needs and show you who you are in regard to interpersonal relationships. Your effectiveness in influencing and dealing with people will greatly increase the power of self-mind control. 小题1:From the passage we learn that ________.

A.it is hard to make good interpersonal relationships

B.there are several levels of relationships among people

C.the success of different interpersonal relationships can be measured by needs

D.the first step to establish a successful relationship is to know your own needs小题2:According to Paragraph 2, the most important factor in dealing with people is to ________.

A.be kind to them and help them

B.only think of their needs

C.find out both your needs and theirs

D.learn some interpersonal techniques小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.A child’s needs change with his growth.

B.A child should also know his parents’ needs.

C.It’s easier to find your own needs than to find others’.

D.You can learn what others need by their responses to you.小题4:The last two paragraphs are written mainly to tell us ________.

A.why some people fail in a relationship

B.how to increase the power of self-mind control

C.why our needs are often hidden

D.how to recognize others’ needs and yours

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