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The party began shortly after Mr. Wood, who lived in the flat below, signed to himself as he heard excited voices and the noisy music. Luckily he had  36  some work home from the office,  37  he kept himself busy for a couple of hours, thus managing to pay no attention to the noise  38 . But by eleven o’clock he felt  39  and was ready to go to bed, though from his earlier  experience he knew it was  40  trying to get to sleep. He undressed and lay for a while on the bed, trying to read, but he  41  himself reading the same page over and over again. He then turned off the light and  42  his head in the pillow. But  43  he could not shut  44  the noise, finally, after 45 seemed hours, his 46 was gone.
He jumped out of bed, 47 some clothing, marched 48 up the stairs, and walked into his neighbor’s flat. The owner of the flat, who 49 him in his dressing gown, came 50 the room and, 51 Mr. Wood could say anything, cried, “My dear fellow, come and 52. I know our parties 53 you. I meant to send you 54.” Mr. Wood’s anger disappeared then and there. He said, “I’d better go and get 55.” Minutes later, he returned, properly dressed, only to find that the party was nearly over.
A. taken        B. carried         C. brought         D. fetched
A. with which     B. from which         C. where         D. when
A. outside       B. overhead        C. downstairs       D. nearby
A. bad         B. tired            C. sick         D. hopeless
A. useless       B. necessary      C. possible           D. helpful
A. had         B. found         C. caught        D. felt
A. buried       B. rested         C. shook         D. turned
A. till then       B. worse still       C. strange enough    D. even so
A. away        B. off             C. down            D. up
A. it           B. what           C. that            D. which
A. sleep          B. strength        C. patience        D. anger
A. pulled on       B. dressed up            C. selected        D. wore
A. sadly         B. proudly         C. quietly             D. firmly
A. made fun of      B. stared at        C. was angry with    D. caught sight of
A. across        B. around         C. towards        D. by
A. as          B. before         C. though       D. until
A. meet as        B. sit here       C. join us        D. scold me
A. may trouble      B. would trouble     C. may bother       D. must bother
A. a notice        B. a message      C. an invitation     D. an apology
A. washed         B. changed           C. dressed         D. prepared

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  • Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned twelve, a white gardenia was delivered to my house. No card or note came with it.   1  to the flower shop were always useless---it was a cash  2  . After a while I stopped trying to 3  who the sender was and just delighted in the beautiful and perfume of the white flower. But I never  4  imagining who the sender might be. Some of my  5  moments were spent daydreaming about it. My mother asked me whether there was someone for whom I had done a(n)   6  kindness who might be showing  7  . Perhaps the neighbor I helped when she was   8  a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man  9  the street whose mail I helped to get during the  10  so he wouldn’t have to venture down his icy step. As a teenager,  11 , I had more fun guessing that it might be a  12  who had noticed me  13  I didn’t know him. One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. He was   14  some of the most important events in my life. I became completely   15  in my upcoming graduation and the dance. When my father died, I  16  the dance and the dress for it. The day before the dance, I found a dress on the sofa. I didn’t 17  if I had a new dress or not, but my mother did. She wanted her children to feel  18  and lovable, imaginative, believing that there was a  19  in the world and beauty in the face of hard times. Actually mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely,  20  and perfect. The gardenia stopped coming when my mother died.

    A. Calls       B. Quarrels     C. Messages     D. LettersA. service      B. deal       C. bargain      D. offerA .recognize     B. imagine      C. wonder      D. discoverA. failed      B. stopped      C. succeeded     D. enjoyedA. saddest     B. painful      C. happiest      D. loneliestA. special      B. common     C. valuable      D. importantA. concern      B. attitude      C. interest       D. appreciationA. repairing     B. washing     C. unloading      D. startingA. across      B. through      C. from        D. onto

    10.A. spring       B. summer     C. autumn       D. winter

    A. though      B. anyway      C. therefore      D. indeedA. friend      B. superman     C. teacher       D. boyA .as if       B. even though    C. in case       D. so thatA. considering    B. expecting     C. missing      D. preparingA. disappointed   B. uninterested    C. discouraged     D. concentrated

    16.A. forgot      B. lost        C. hated       D. expected

    A. wonder      B. believe      C. care        D. knowA. contented     B. respected     C. thanked      D. lovedA. trouble      B. magic       C. tragedy       D. comedyA. strong      B. beautiful      C. smelly       D. lucky
  • I climbed the stairs slowly , carrying a big suitcase , my father following with two more . By the time I got to the third floor , I was__26 and at the same time feeling lonely . Worse still , Dad__27 a step and fell , sending my new suitcases __28 down the stairs . “Damn !"he screamed , his face turning red . I knew __29 was ahead . Whenever Dad's face turns red , __30 !
    How could I ever __31him to finish unloading the car__32 screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls , girls I would have to spend the__33 of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out(探出),as Dad walked__34 close behind . I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) __35start.
    “__36the room quickly ,"I thought . “Get him into a chair and calm down ."
    But__37 , would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) _38room? __39 I turned the key in the lock and__40 the door open , with Dad__41 complaining(抱怨)about a hurting knee or something . I put my head in , expecting the__42 . But to my __43, the room wasn't empty at all ! It had furniture , curtains , a TV , and even paintings on the walls.
    And there on a wellmade bed sat Amy,my new __44,dressed neatly.Greeting me with a nod , she said in a soft voice , “Hi , you must be Cori . Then , she__45 the music and looked over at__46.“And of course , you're Mr Faber ,"she said, __47 .“Would you like a glass of iced tea?" Dad's face turned decidedly __48 before he could bring out a “yes".
    I knew __49 that Amy and I would be __50 and my first year of college would be a success.
    26.A.helpless     B.lazy      C.anxious     D.tired
    27.A.took       B.minded     C.missed     D .picked
    28.A.rolling      B.passing    C.dropping    D.turning
    29.A.suffering     B.difficulty   C.trouble     D.danger
    30.A.go ahead     B.look out    C.hold on     D.give up
    31.A.lead       B.help     C.encourage    D.get
    32.A.after      B.without    C.while      D.besides
    33.A.best      B.beginning    C.end       D.rest
    34.A.with difficulty   B.in a hurry    C.with firm steps   D.in wonder
    35.A.fresh       B.late       C.bad         D.unfair
    36.A.Search       B.Find       C.Enter        D.Book
    37.A.in fact       B.by chance     C.once more      D.then again
    38.A.small       B.empty       C.new         D.neat
    39.A.Finally       B.Meanwhile     C.Sooner or later    D.At the moment
    40.A.knocked      B.forced      C.pushed      D.tried
    41.A.yet        B.only       C.even        D.still
    42.A.worst       B.chair       C.best        D.tea
    43.A.regret       B.disappointment  C.surprise      D.knowledge
    44.A.roommate      B.classmate     C.neighbour     D.companion
    45.A.turned on     B.turned down    C.played       D.enjoyed
    46.A.Dad        B.me        C.the door      D.the floor
    47.A.questioning    B.wondering     C.smiling      D.guessing
    48.A.red        B.less pale     C.less red     D.pale
    49.A.soon        B.there       C.later       D.then
    50.A.sisters      B.friends      C.students     D.fellows

  • I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and some homeless people frequent the stoplights. I often gave money to the homeless, feeling  36 for their bad luck. But later I became a single mom with no home, a huge debt. As a result, I  37 giving and became very  38 .                   Things started to 39  for me. Again I had a home, and plenty of food, and I started to  40  myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the  41  , “Will work for food.” I 42  . My daughter commented, “Mommy, you 43  to give to those people in  44  .’’ I replied, “Honey, they just use that money for alcohol or other 45 things.” She didn’t respond. But when I said that, it didn’t feel right. Three days later, I was driving to 46 up my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner, and something deep 47  me said, “Just help him.” 48  I rolled down my window, and he ran over with enthusiasm, saying “God bless you, I only need 77 cents.” I  49 into my ashtray and strangely enough, there sat three quarters and two pennies. I scooped(抓起)it up and gave it to him. He  50  with joy and tears in his 51  , “Wow, you just made it  52  for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you; the bus that had this great sale is  53  in 20 minutes!” It was a moment I’ll never forget. I think that man won’t forget it either, 54  I was the one who got the best  55  in life -- GIVING.

    A. pleased       B. sorry         C. nervous      D. notable A. stopped       B. refused      C. considered         D. continued 

    38 A. bitter         B. disappointed    C. satisfied      D. happy

    A. reform            B. decline      C. end         D. changeA. pull         B. drive        C. persuade     D. concern A. gesture       B. symbol      C. sign          D. sentence A. passed by       B. gave in      C. stood up       D. held on A. expected       B. attempted    C. promised       D. usedA. shock         B. happiness     C. comfort         D. need A. dim        B. bad          C. exciting     D. anxious A. pick         B. look        C. ring        D. beat A. beside       B. inside      C. behind      D. aboveA. So         B. Otherwise    C. However    D. Moreover A. climbed       B. jumped     C. saw        D. reachedA. turned around    B. broke down   C. burst out     D. spoke upA. eyes        B. face      C. nose        D. mouthA. necessary    B. possible       C. important    D. niceA. taking       B. operating    C. leaving        D. drivingA. but       B. or           C. and      D. nor    A. award         B. message       C. gift       D. lesson  
  • 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    We should learn to put love in motion every day.We should show our children that even the  36  act of kindness counts.
    The chiming clock announced it was time to leave for church, but I was far from  37 .Seeing this, my husband  38 to iron my clothes for me.Our 3-year-old daughter approached him.
    “Are you ironing  39 shirt, Daddy? ” she asked.
    “No, I’m ironing Mommy’s shirt.”
    “Oh, did you think it was your shirt? ” A small giggle(咯咯笑)escaped her  40 .“That’s silly.”  
    “No, I knew it was Mommy’s shirt.” he said.
    A(n)  41 expression crossed my daughter’s face.“Then why are you doing that?”
    “Because your Mommy is a special person, and I like to  42 her.” he answered.
    “Oh,” she happily replied, and then skipped out of the room.“I’m going to help my brother.”
    As our children’s  43 teachers, we know that little eyes watch our every move.They imitate not only our actions, but our  44 .For example, we often hear our children  45 their brothers, sisters or friends in a  46 we know they learned from  47 .But on the positive side, the propensity (倾向性) to  48 can serve us well when we try to model, and  49 teach, an attitude of kindness and cheerful servanthood.
    We all try to do nice things for our family.Think about the last time when you cooked a meal or folded laundry.  50 did you feel about  51 your family in this way? Were you glad to do it  52 did you feel resentful that you were stuck with this mundane (平凡的) chore?  53 , none of us has a cheerful servant’s heart every day.  54 if we want our children willingly to reach out to others and show kindness and compassion, it is essential that they see us doing the  55 .
    36.A.biggest         B.smallest       C.least        D.best
    37.A.relaxed         B.satisfied       C.ready        D.happy
    38.A.showed        B.provided        C.supplied        D.offered
    39.A.my         B.your        C.our         D.their
    40.A.lips         B.nose        C.eyes        D.ears
    41.A.upset         B.funny        C.puzzled       D.proud
    42.A.offer        B.gain        C.give        D.help
    43.A.last         B.first        C.closest       D.best
    44.A.behavior        B.attitudes        C.manners      D.thought
    45.A.praise        B.point        C.appreciate       D.scold
    46.A.tone         B.word        C.voice        D.accent
    47.A.others         B.friends       C.us         D.teachers
    48.A.imitate         B.give        C.obtain       D.learn
    49.A.in charge     B.in detail      C.in return     D.in turn
    50.A.What        B.How        C.That        D.Whether 
    51.A.serving         B.caring       C.leaving       D.building
    52.A.and          B.or            C.but         D.otherwise
    53.A.Surprisingly     B.Naturally     C.Regularly    D.Patiently
    54.A.Maybe         B.Still        C.Otherwise       D.But
    55.A.good       B.job        C.example     D.same

  • When someone steps on your toe by accident, you will hurt plenty.But it hurts even more, if you think the person does the same thing on purpose.Earlier studies have found that the feeling of pain can change with how it is experienced.That is why giving people sugar pills and saying they are medicine can make them feel better. This study examined whether self-reported pain is indeed higher when the events producing the pain are understood as intentionally caused by another person.For the study, the researchers told 40 volunteers that they were going to do a series of tasks, including color matching, number counting and discomfort assessment.This last task involved their receiving a brief electric shock to the wrist.They were told that a partner, sitting in another room, would choose which task they would do, and a computer screen helped them to know their partner’s choice. In some cases, the volunteers were told their partner had chosen the pain tolerance test.In others, they were told the computers would select the pain tolerance test regardless of their partner’s choice.When volunteers thought that their partners were making the shocks on them on purpose, the feeling made the pain worse.As a matter of fact, they were the same. This study provides evidence that the experience of pain changes depending upon how they think when people have been harmed.Specifically, the meaning of a harm — whether it was intended — influences the amount of pain it causes.So, although a broken toe may hurt, an intentionally broken toe should hurt more. 小题1:It can be concluded from the text that _______.

    A.the feeling of pain varies from one person to another

    B.long-lasting pain damages people’s health

    C.pain is greater if harm seems to be intentionally done

    D.people suffer more from accidental pain小题2:What can we infer from the text?

    A.People can reduce pain by relaxing.

    B.Researchers study how pain is caused.

    C.Everyone should know the effect of pain.

    D.People should think more about pain.小题3:What does the underlined word “they” in the third paragraph refer to?




    D.Pains.小题4:What’s the author’s attitude to the result of the study?  





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