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黄 鹂徐志摩一掠颜色飞上了树。   “看,一只黄鹂!”有人说。  翘着尾尖,它不作声,艳异照亮了浓密——    像是春光,火焰,像是热情。  等候它唱,我们静着望,  怕惊了它。但它一展翅,  冲破浓密,化一朵彩云;   它飞了,不见了,没了——    像是春光,火焰,像是热情。

1.根据前面提示的背景,说说这首诗表现了诗人怎样的渴求。答:____________2.第一节的五行描写黄鹂飞来,只两句是实写。一句是___\_,写出了黄鹂的色彩和动感;一句是____\_,以瞬间之形写其瞬间之静。一动一静,生动地刻画出黄鹂____\_而来_______于树的神采。3.第一节中第___\_句鲜活地点染出黄鹂飞来时所激起的____\_之情。而第____\_、____\__两句,渐渐由实而虚,倾诉着由眼前黄鹂所激荡起的_______。4.诗人眼前所见的是一只匆匆飞来又匆匆飞走的黄鹂,而胸中所藏的却是一种___\_与____\__交织的情怀。这是一种感情的反差和逆转。两节的最后一句重复,词语相同而情怀各异,前一句写充实感,后一句却写________感。5.下列对这首诗分析不当的一项是(  )A.诗人表露出了在牢笼般的时代欢乐仅仅是可望而不可即的,更为持久的还是痛苦的情怀。B.诗中的反复不是一般的感情升华,而是感情的逆转。这是本诗的独到之处。C.诗中动与静的结合、形与神的交融、实与虚的转化都鲜活地点染出瞬间的情景变化。D.诗人以黄鹂自比,不但“冲破浓密”,而且能“照亮浓密”,这既是一种渴求,也是一种自信。

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  • 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A man’s best friend may become his enemy. His children that he has___\_16____with loving care may show no thanks. Those who are ____17___\_to us, those whom we trust with our happiness____18___\_turn against their faith. The money that a man has, he may___19__\_.It flies from him, perhaps when he needs it ___\_20___\_.A man’s reputation(名誉) may be lost in a moment of ill-considered___\_21___\_. The people who would prefer to fall on their knees to do us honour when success is with us may be ____22____ to throw the stone malice(敌意) when failure settles upon our heads. The one absolutely(绝对地)__\_23___\_friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts(遗弃) him is his___\_24___\_. A man’s dog stands by him____25____he is rich or poor, healthy or sick. He will sleep on the cold ground,____26___\_the wintry winds blow and the snow drives hard,____27____he may be near his master’s side. He will ___\_28____the hand that has no food to offer. He guards the sleep of his poor master as if he ___29___ a prince. When all other friends desert him , the dog_\_30____. When reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant(不断的) in his love as the sun in its journey ___\_31_____the heavens. If the master becomes friendless and homeless,__\_32____the faithful dog asks for is to be with him. And when___33__ takes his master in its embrace(拥抱) and his body__\_34___away in the cold ground, there by the graveside(墓边) will the dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but __\_35______in watchfullness, faithful and true even in death. 16. A. brought out  B. brought up     C. brought in    D. brought on 17.  A. nearest    B. most useful     C. most important  D. strangest 18.  A. must     B. have to      C. may       D. should 19  A. keep     B. Use       C. earn       D. lose 20.  A. more     B. most       C. better      D. very 21.  A. action    B. thought      C. movement    D. mind 22.  A. first     B. last        C. latest      D. newest 23.  A. close    B. selfish      C. kind       D. unselfish 24.  A. wife     B. dog       C. himself      D. brother 25.  A. whether    B. even though    C. although     D. whenever 26.  A. there     B. because      C. where     D. which 27.  A.as long as   B. even if      C. so that      D. though 28.  A. eat      B. take       C. kiss       D. shake 29.  A. is      B. were       C. had been     D. would be 30.  A. leaves    B. cries       C. remains     D. disappears 31.  A  into     B. on        C. out of      D. through 32.  A. why     B. which      C. how      D. what 33.  A. birth     B. life        C. death      D. kindness

     A. lay     B. is lain       C. is laying     D. is laid

    35.  A. closed    B. open       C. shut       D. Opened

  • 阅读下面一首诗,完成问题。

                                    致橡树                                 舒 婷



    __________________。2.我们该怎样理解“木棉”这一形象呢?__________________。3.《致橡树》中,作者否定了种种传统的爱情观,将与下列诗句相对应的选项填入诗句后的括号中。 A.一方的攀附  B.单方的痴恋  C.由衷的奉献(1)像攀援的凌霄花/借你的高枝炫耀自己(  )(2)像泉源/长年送来清凉的慰藉(  )(3)学痴情的鸟儿/为绿荫重复单调的歌曲(  )(4)像险峰/增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪(  )4.下列对本诗的结构、内容和艺术手法的分析,不正确的一项是(  )A.本诗可分为两层。第一层由开头至“不,这些都还不够”,第二层由“我必须是你近旁的株木棉”到结尾。B.第一层是诗人宣告一篇战斗书,宣告自己不愿成为男性的附庸,表现诗人对旧的观念、旧的伦理的强烈否定和坚决反叛。C.第二层是诗 人对自己心中的爱情观的确立:在相知相恋相依、相互平等相互独立的基础上共建新型的现代爱情。D.本诗运用象征手法,不是从整体上蕴涵象征意义,而是在具体的形象上直接地表达象征意义。“木棉”和“橡树”分别象征男性的阳刚和女性的阴柔。

  • 阅读下面一首诗歌,完成题目。


    1.下列对这首诗语句的解释,不恰当的一项是(  )A.诗中反复提到的“一句话”指的是“咱们的中国”,即“我们大家的中国”。B.“有一句话说出就是祸”,揭示出在封建统治下,中国人民不能当家做主的现实。C.“有一句话能点得着火”,显示中国人民蓄积着无比强大的反抗力量。D. “说不定是突然着了魔”,流露出一个 民主战士徘徊的心境。2.下列对这首诗的赏析,不恰当的一项是(  )A.这首诗总结了中国的历史,预示了中国的未来,全诗蕴藏着火山爆发一样的激情。B.诗中巧妙地使用了一个反问句,用以增强缄默的火山爆发前的气势。C.最后两句,化用鲁迅“于无声处听惊雷”的诗句,来展示中国革命的前景。D.这首诗对孕育着革命的旧中国运用借喻的手法,从而增强了诗歌的磅礴气势

  • 按要求回答下面的问题。



      [注]乔尔丹诺·布鲁诺是意大利文艺复兴后期伟大的思想家、科学家。他为维护和发展哥白尼的“日心说”,为坚持自己的哲学观点,于1600年2月被宗教裁判处以火刑,在罗马鲜花广场殉难。对下面这首外国十四行诗赏析不恰当的一项是【  】A、开头两句,诗人怀着崇仰的感情为“老橡树”写意,它高大参天又脚踏实地。“老橡树”是为真理而战的思想家、科学家的化身。B、诗中所写的“风神”“冬天”都有象征性,让人想到扼杀科学和真理的邪恶势力严酷而猖狂,但布鲁诺没有因此而退缩和屈服。C、诗的最后两句以老橡树豪迈的自白结尾:“我有丰富的智慧和深邃的灵性,永远向一个固定的目标迈进。”这也是布鲁诺殒身不恤的誓言。D、诗的结尾几句深化了主题,布鲁诺从老橡树的形象中汲取力量,他深信自己的事业扎根在科学和真理的沃土中,定会结出硕果。

  • B Increasing Noise Annoys People want action on noise, a recent public meeting in Brisbane showed. Some want technical improvements such as quieter air conditioners or better sound barriers around major roads. Others want tougher laws to restrict noise from building sites or to require owners to take responsibility for barking dogs. But the highest priority (优先) was a noise complaints system that works. Brisbane City Council receives more complaints about noise than all other problems put together. So it conducted survey and found that about half its citizens are upset by noise in one form or another—traffic, mowers, pool pumps, air conditioners or loud parties. This inspired the Council to bring together more than 100 citizens one evening to talk through solutions to the problem. The meeting found the present noise complaints system bizarre. Depending on the problem, responsibility for noise can lie with the Council, the Environment Protection Authority, one of three government departments or even the police. So complaints often feel they are getting the run-round. When the people at the meeting were asked to vote for changes, the strongest response was for a 24-hour noise hotline to be the first port of call for all complaints. The meeting also favored regulatory measures, such as tougher minimum standards for noise in appliances like air conditioners. This even makes economic sense, as noise is a waste of energy—and money. Other measures the meeting supported were wider buffer zones around noisy activities and controls to keep heavy traffic away from residential areas(居民区).

    According to the passage, what do people want most?

    A. Tougher laws.            B. Technical improvements. C. An effective noise complaints system   D. Tougher minimum standards for noise

    What does the underlined word bizarre in the second paragraph mean?

    A. reasonable    B. wonderful   C. strange    D. responsible

    How many regulatory measures against noise are mentioned in the last paragraph?

    A. 3.       B. 4.       C. 2.      D. 5.

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. Tougher minimum standards for noise in appliances are necessary. B. Traffic, mowers, pool pumps, and air conditioners are all the sources of noise. C. 90% of the residents are annoyed by noise. D. Heavy traffic should be kept away from residential areas according to the meeting.

    Brisbane City Council brought together citizens to talk through solutions to the noise problem mainly due to    .

    A. the result of the survey carried out by itself B. a noise complaints system that works C. people asking for tougher laws on noise D. requirements of an effective noise complaints system

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