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1.写出这首诗的诗眼。____________________________ 2.简要指出“夕阳”“杜鹃”这两个意象的表达技巧和具体含义。________________________________________________________________________________________________3.“让夕阳涂抹小路”“让荆棘变成杜鹃”表达了作者(或当代青年)怎样的生活态度?____________________________ 4.这首诗取的题目“山高路远”有什么含义?_________________________________________________________________________

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  • 阅读下面的文字,完成1~4题。当蜘蛛网无情地查封了我的炉台,当灰烬的余烟叹息着贫困的悲哀,我依然固执地铺平失望的灰烬,用美丽的雪花写下:相信未 来。当我的紫葡萄化为深秋的露水,当我的鲜花依偎在别人的情怀,我依然固执地用凝霜的枯藤,在凄凉的大地上写下:相信未来。

    1.选用诗中词语概括 这两节诗所塑造的意境。____________________________2.“蜘蛛网无情地查封了我的炉台”是什么意思?___________________________3.这一部分写了什么内容?___________________________4.作者表达了怎样的人生态度?___________________________5.请简析本诗意象选取上的特点及作用。___________________________

  • 第二节 完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)
    The day was Thankful Thursday. It’s a 36 tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive 37 .
    My girls shouted “McDonald’s, McDonald’s” as we 38 along a busy Houston road. Suddenly I 39 that almost every crossing I passed through was 40 by a panhandler(乞丐). And then it hit me! All these panhandlers must be hungry, too. Perfect! After we ate, I ordered a(an) 41fifteen lunches and we set out to deliver them. We would pull 42 a panhandler, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then we’d say, “Oh, 43 …here’s lunch.”
    We handed our final contribution to a small woman and then immediately 44 back in the opposite direction for home. 45 , the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small woman stood. I was 46 and didn’t know quite how to behave. 
    She made her way to our car, “No one has ever done47 like this for me before,” she said with 48 . Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “ So, 49 do you think you’ll eat your lunch?” 
    She just looked at me with her huge, tired brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, I’m not going to eat this lunch.” I was 50 ,but before I could say anything, she continued, “You see, I have a little girl and she 51  loves McDonald’s, but I don’t have money. But you know what…tonight she is going to have McDonald’s!”
    I don’t know if the kids 52 the tears in my eyes. So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too 53 or insignificant to really effect change. 54 in that moment, I recognized the 55 of Mother Teresa’s words: “We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.” 

    A. weekly        B. daily       C. monthly          D. yearly
    A. decision           B. choice      C. contribution        D. plan
    A. walked        B. ran          C. wandered         D. drove
    A. reminded       B. realized       C. understood        D. thought
    A. crowded       B. occupied      C. discovered         D. laid
    A. additional      B. expensive    C. cheap            D. special
    A. close          B. together       C. alongside          D. throughout
    A. in fact     B. to tell the truth  C. generally speaking   D. by the way
    A. faced          B. headed         C. took             D. looked
    A. Unfortunately    B. Luckily       C. Unexpectedly       D. Hopefully
    A. excited        B. embarrassed    C. frightened       D. annoyed
    A. something      B. everything   C. anything          D. nothing
    A. amazement      B. fear          C. sorrow             D. amusement
    A. what         B. how          C. where            D. when
    A. shocked           B. confused      C. pleased           D. worried
    A. really         B. even         C. just              D. never
    A. watched           B. felt          C. noticed           D. recognized
    A. many          B. small       C. big              D. simple
    A. Therefore       B. Although      C. Meanwhile      D. Yet
    A. promise           B. oath          C. truth           D. Spirit
  • 阅读下文,完成题目。

    **苦难的中国有明天**冰结的日子有火/被污辱的有仇恨月黑夜有灯/穷苦的人有骨头沙原上有骆驼/哭泣的天空有响雷土地下面有种子/打抖的冬天有春梦堤岸里头有激流/血汗灌溉的地方有不凋的花鞭子底下有咆哮 /苦难的中国有明天


  • 第二节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Be careful of those who use the truth to deceive (cheat). When someone tells you something that is true, but  36  important information that should be included, he can create a false  37  .
    For Example, a man once told me, “I just won a hundred dollars on the  38  . It was great. I  39  that ticket back to the store and turned it in  40  one hundred dollars!”
    This guy is a winner, right? May be, may be not. Then  41  I discovered that he bought two hundred tickets, and only one was a  42  . He was  43  a big loser!
    He didn’t say anything that was false,  44  he left out important information  45  . That’s called a half—truth. Half—truths are not technically  46  , but they are just as dishonest.
    Untrustworthy candidates in political campaigns often use this  47  . Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her  48  lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she sought another  49  . One of her opponents put an ad saying, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” That’s  50  . However, an honest statement would have been quite different.
    Advertisers will sometimes use half—truths. It’s  51  the law to make false claims, so they  52  to mislead you with the truth. An ad  53  blow its own horn, “Nine out of ten doctors lend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It fails to mention that they only ask ten  54  , and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.
    This kind of  55  deception happens too often. It’s a fact of life: lies are lies, but sometimes the truth can lie as well.

    A. makes out      B. leaves out         C. tries out       D. puts outA. chance       B. expression       C. impression   D. translationA. spot           B. lab              C. competition      D. lotteryA. took          B. turned          C. went         D. lookedA. with          B. as                C. like          D. forA. later          B. formerly          C. hardly      D. generallyA. loser          B. winner             C. shame      D. surpriseA. wrongly         B. usually          C. really         D. rightA. since          B. what’s more         C. therefore      D. butA. on purpose    B. by accident     C. in time         D. at first sightA. chats          B. lies              C. failures       D. consequencesA. fair            B. court             C. trick       D. entryA. company       B. fellow          C. country       D. stateA. term          B. cooperation         C. election       D. serviceA. boring         B. shocking          C. true          D. wrongA. for             B. against             C. through       D. acrossA. regret     B. forget       C. fail          D. tryA. must          B. need             C. should      D. mightA. customers      B. patients           C. reporters      D. doctorsA. attractive       B. critical             C. fair          D. Sad
  • I went over my grandmother’s house today and she didn’t have time for me. You see, the lady’s husband downstairs died and my Grandmother wanted to make some cookies for her. My grandmother did not analyze (分析) how the lady treated her, or if the lady needed any cookies, or even if the lady would like the cookies. She didn’t think how much the lady has done for her. She simply began baking. My Grandmother turned 94 last week and this I believe is her secret to life. My grandmother is generous (慷慨) and hard-working in a way that is rare for our time. She lives by a simple belief: if someone needs your help, you help. Never mind all the analyzing and thinking whether the person deserves or appreciates the help. My grandmother doesn’t sit around thinking about who might be making use of her: she simply does what is needed. At 94, she is busy in life. She is making a blanket for a new great grandchild, and worried that I don’t have enough kitchen towels for my home. She is bringing soup to a sick neighbor, and teaching the new wife of her cousin (who is 88) how to cook Italian food. My grandmother had every right to give up, but she didn’t — and amazingly life did bring her good things, like a husband with twinkling blue eyes who was much ahead of his time and believed that men should do an equal amount of cooking and cleaning in the home, three beautiful children (my father and two aunts), 22 grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. My grandmother is not afraid to give someone she barely knows a bowl of soup. She never keeps herself out of the world.

    The reason why my grandmother made cookies for the lady downstairs is that ________.

    A. she thought the lady was too busy B. she would make them as thanks to her C. she thought she should do something for the lady at the special time D. they had had an agreement before

    In the writer’s opinion, ________.

    A. my grandmother has a secret way of living B. my grandmother does everything on careful consideration C. few people are as generous as my grandmother now D. my grandmother will get something in return

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. My grandmother cares for her children even some strangers. B. My grandfather does not treat women in an unfair way. C. This is a family in which there are nearly 30 people now. D. My grandmother never keeps everything for herself.

    We may infer from the text that the writer ________.

    A. thinks his grandmother is living a tired life B. thinks his grandmother is doing what she should do C. thinks his grandmother should not be so kind D. is proud of his grandmother

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