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  • 一定条件下,建立平衡2NO2(g)N2O4(g),以下说法正确的是





  • (10分)【历史一历史上重大改革回眸】阅读材科,回答问题。材料一 1895年“公车上书”事件标志着维新派正式形成。他们的政治理想就是在中国建立立宪政治。”君与国民共议一国之政法”,“以国会立法,以法官司法,以政府行政,而人主总之”。主张在中国实现三权分主,拟订宪法,召开国会,君民共主。如此,可挽救日益加深的民族危机和社会危机,中国的富强指日可待。——张岂之《中国文明十五讲》材料二




  • 将 lmolSO2和 l mol O2通入体积不变的密闭容器中,在一定温度和催化剂作用下,反应达到平衡时 SO3为0.3mol,若此时移走 0.5mol O2和 0.5mol SO2则反应达到新的平衡时,SO3的物质的量是



    C.小于 0.15mol

    D.大于0.15mol而小于 0.3mol

  • 下列关于抗体的说法,正确的是

    [  ]


  •  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 Have you heard of “Green hotels”?  36   you stay at a green hotel, you help reduce the unfriendly  37  that hotel has on the environment. “Green hotels” include any hotels, motels, and inns that use energy and other resources  38  environmentally (环境) responsible ways. These green hotels take advantage of (利用)  39  resources when possible, make effective  40  of resources that can’t be reused, and  41  that many byproducts(副产品)are reused or recycled. __42  2.6 million hotel rooms are rented in the United States daily.  43  , an astonishing number of hotel  44  need clothes washed, meals prepared, fresh water for showers and toilets, and energy for lights, heating, and cooling. Thus, there is a great    _45  for green hotel practices(做法). 46   a guest of a green hotel, you will receive quality service  47   knowing you are helping the environment. Hotels also realize cost savings when they  48  green hotel practices, which they can then use to  49   guest services. Some green hotels are already making a big  50  . For example;

    By switching to more energy-effective  51  , the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City has saved 1.2 million kilowatt hours per year.One hotel reduced water use by 2 million gallons per year when it  52   a chef (厨师)who was improperly defrosting(解冻)food by running water over it.The Fairmont Acapulco Princess and Fairmont Pierre Marques filter(过滤器) and treat

    53   and reuse it to water their golf courses. These and other green hotels are  54  responsible steps, but many others have not yet accepted the green hotel challenge. You can help by supporting green hotel practices every time you  55  .

    A. When            B. Before          C. Unless               D. AlthoughA. pollution          B. cost             C. effect                D. stepA. with              B. through         C. by                   D. inA. wasted           B. reused          C. limited          D. lostA. time              B. space           C. use                  D. usageA. make sure        B. make up         C. make fun             D. make roomA. Much more       B. Over            C. More                D. AboveA. Besides           B. As a result       C. In the end            D. As a matter of factA. professors        B. waiters          C. door-keepers         D. guestsA. need             B. necessity        C. require                D. requestA. With             B. To               C. As                   D. ByA. before            B. at               C. in                    D. whileA. get               B. accept           C. receive               D. takeA. change           B. improve         C. make                D. liftA. act               B. face             C. control                D. differenceA. lighting           B. line             C. action                D. managementA. used              B. found            C. fired                 D. questionedA. wastewood       B. wasteland       C. wastepaper               D. wastewaterA. making           B. taking           C. borrowing            D. gettingA. walk              B. journey          C. play                  D. travel      
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