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Why wasn't Sven sent to prison?
A.Because he was too young.
B.Because he wasn't found guilty.
C.Because he admitted his guilt to detectives.
D.Because he worked for a big company.

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  • —Hello. I’d like to speak to Julie, please. —I' m afraid she isn't here right now. ______? —Yes. This is her friend Mark. I' m calling to ask her if she’d like to see a movie tomorrow night. —Okay. I' 11 give her the message. —Thanks.
    A.Would you like to hold on
    B.Do you know when she will be back
    C.would you like to see a movie tonight
    D.Can I take a message

  • 听力原文:What were their earnings during the second quarter?
    (A) I think they were first, not seconc
    (B) No, really, you've earned it.
    (C) Just under 14 million dollars.

  • —Excuse me, ______? —Yes. That's one glass of white wine, one mineral water and one sandwich. Ten pounds, please. —Thanks. Is service included? —No. —OK, here you are.
    A.we have the bill, please
    B.what would you like to have
    C.do you have any hamburgers
    D.could you please get me some water

  • 听力原文:(A) There is a house surrounded by trees.
    (B) Some parts of the road are wet.
    (C) A car is being towed.
    (D) There is a sign with a two-digit number.

  • But in recent years, many older people ______by the banks to invest their savings in high-yielding money-market accounts.
    A.have persuaded
    B.are persuading
    C.have been persuaded
    D.being persuaded

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