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The authors description of Cro-Magnon paintings mentions which of the following?
A.Some are not very good.
B.It is unusual to see such paintings.
C.Many were drawn by children.
D.The artists were mostly right-hande

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  • According to Paragraph 4, the fact that the lnuit cut meat by holding it between their teeth is significant because ______.
    A.the relationship between handedness and scratches on fossil human teeth can be verified
    B.it emphasizes the differences between contemporary humans and their ancestors
    C.the scratch patterns produced by stone knives vary significantly from patterns to patterns
    D.it demonstrates that ancient humans were not skilled at using tools

  • Complete the table by matching the phrases below. Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the type of people to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points. Answer Choices A. No regular encounters with the wonders of the natural world. B. Travel by trail roads or airplanes. C. Playing musical instruments. D. Living close to the sounds and smells of forest and grasslands. E. Having societies and languages. F. Hunting and fishing for life. G. Electing leaders of organizations. H. Building cities. I. Leaving their legacy in stones, bones and pottery.
    The word the other in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.

  • According to the author, which kind of people is more likely to get divorced? 查看材料
    A. A rich man who has a college degree.
    B. A rich man who does not have a college degree.
    C. A poor man who has a college degree.
    D. A poor man who does not have a college degree.

  • Economist James Tobin thought that the advantages of minimum wage surpassed thesmall loss of jobs. 查看材料

  • Questions are based on the following passage.
    Today, the poor aren "t just more likely to get divorced. They"re more likely to avoidmarriage entirely.
    Earlier today, my colleague Derek Thompson argued that; it"s misleading to thinkof marriage as a "luxury good". Why? Because luxury goods are something the rich buyand the poor can"t afford. But in the case of marriage the trend is more complex. The vastmajority of Americans tie the knot at some point in their lives, he argues. It"s just thatthose without a college education are far, far more likely to get divorced. Marriage is foreveryone; failed marriages are for the poor.
    Bleak stuff. But it"s getting bleaker.
    Derek"s post is based on a long-term study of young Baby Boomers, who were atleast 46 years old by 2010. But among younger Americans, marriage really is lookingmore and more like something you"d have to buy at Tiffany"s. According to 2012 CensusBureau report, which shows the percentage of men who have never married by age andincome, the less a guy earns nowadays, the less likely they are to have ever gotten married.
    Well, that"s not 100 percent true. Among twenty-somethings there seems to be arich bachelor effect going on (or an overworked young professional effect, if you prefer).
    Those making $75,000 or more are somewhat less likely to have been married than thosemaking between $40,000 and $75,000.
    This particular set of Census data unfortunately tells us much less about women andmarriage. The problem: Stay-at-home morns.
    The key to remember, though, is that many educated, high-earuing women, the sortswho are likely to meet and marry educated and high-earning men, leave the workforce orgo part time once they have children. So a publicist who once made over $70,000 a yearmight only earn $20,000 if she decided to work fewer hours while caring for her childrenat home.
    Here"s why this trend——not just the move towards divorce like Derek talked about,but the move from nuptials (婚礼 ) entirely——is so gloomy. Getting married, and stayingmarried, is one of the surest ways of securing a middle class life. By choosing not to wedin the first place, the poor are abandoning that chance at stability.
    Why doesn‘t Derek Thompson think that marriage is a luxury good? 查看材料
    A.Because not everyone will get married eventually.
    B.Because only rich people can afford to get married.
    C.Because most people will get married regardless of their financial state.
    D.Because lots of people can"t afford an expensive nuptial.

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