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Passing objects or gesturing with your left hand is an offense in many countries?

“Passing objects ” 是什么意思?

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  • Because speech is the most convenient form of communication, in the future we want essentially natural conversations with computers. The primary point of contact will be a simple device that will act as our window on the world. You will simply talk to it. The device will be permanently connected to the Internet and will beep relevant information up to you as it comes in.

     Just how quickly people will adapt to a voice-based Internet world is uncertain. Many believe that, initially at least, we will need similar conventions for the voice to those we use at present on screen: click, back, forward, and so on. But soon you will undoubtedly be able to interact by voice with all those IT-based services you currently connect with over the Internet by means of a keyboard. This will help the Internet serve the entire population, not just techno-freaks.    Changes like this will encompass the whole world. Because English is the language of science, it will probably remain the language in which the technology is most advanced, but most speech-recognition techniques are transferable to other language provided there is sufficient motivation to undertake the work..

  • LCCIEB,是英国伦敦工商总会考试局(London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board)缩写简称。LCCIEB是国际性的考试机构,它创办于1890年,在世界上约90个国家设有考试中心,它所颁发的证书和文凭在这些国家受到普遍承认,特别是在英联邦国家和东南亚国家一直享有“求职通行证”的美称。LCCIEB在中国开设的课程:商务研究----商务英语I、II、III级(II、III级包括口语),公共关系学III级; 商务会计----会计学I、II、III级,成本会计 II、III级,管理会计III级。每门科目的培训时间大致是60--90学时。 哪里可以找到真题啊???

  • “合槽乌烂”是什么意思?

  • 如题

  • 如何理解合同法的“平等原则”?

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