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The author offers all of the following ideas as proof that there is no direct correspondence between words and things EXCEPT
A.Language has other functions than that of reference.
B.Once a word is grouped into a class, no one-to-one correspondence existsbetween it and what it signifies.
C.Many words refer to objects that do not exist in the world.
D.Function words do not refer to objects.
E.Proper nouns usually refer to unique entities.

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  • The court ordered the animals to be sent to where ______.
    A.they could live in the open air
    B.they could be well looked after
    C.they could get help from Dr. Wilson

  • I should be the __ man to think highly of those who wake up to persons of influence.

  • Though agreeing with Descartes that consciousness and extension are
    qualitatively distinct, Spinoza's dual-aspect theory denied that consciousness
    and extension are inherent characteristics of two finite substances, treating
    them instead as attributes of the infinite substance of a transcendent
    (5) intelligence. While mental occurrences can dictate only other mental
    occurrences and physical motions can determine only other physical motions,
    mind and body exist in pre-established coordination, since the same self
    -consistent intelligence establishes affinities and connections within both classes.
    Another alternative, psychophysical parallelism, retains both the dualism of
    (10) mind and body and the notion of a regular correlation between mental and
    physical events, but avoids any assumption of causal mind-body connection,
    direct or indirect. Psychophysical parallelism eschews interactionism, stating
    that mental and physical could not possibly affect one another, and also rejects
    occasionalism and dual-aspect theory on the grounds that no third entity,
    (15) including a transcendent intelligence, could be responsible for such vastly different
    effects. Parallelists accept only pure correlations, not causation, between mental and
    physical events.
    According to the passage, psychophysical parallelists would be LEAST likely to agree with which of the following views attributed to Spinoza?
    A.Through a relationship of correlation, mental occurrences can only determine other mental occurrences.
    B.Through a relationship of causation, physical occurrences can only determine other physical occurrences.
    C.Mind and body exist in pre-established coordination provided by a third entity, transcendent intelligence.
    D.Consciousness and extension, as separate finite qualities, may be described as distinct.
    E.One of the necessary attributes of any divine essence is its infinitude.

  • __ is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.

  • Ms. Blunsden was ordered to go to Dr. Wilson because the court thought ______.
    A.she had some problems with her mind
    B.she needed some medicine for her animals
    C.she could use Dr. Wilson's room for her animals

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