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Many sellers tend to refuse personal checks for fear of______.

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  • Thoughshewas25yearsold,______(但照片中的她显得比实际年龄大多了).

  • When did the greatest numbers of immigrants come?

    They came in the years______.

  • You are going to read a magazine article in which five people talk about railway journeys. For questions 22-35, choose from the people (A-E). The people maybe chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these maybe given in any order. There is an example at the beginning (0).

    Which person or people

    found on returning years later that nothing had changed? 0 E

    was unable to count on the train service? 【S1】__

    enjoyed the company of fellow passengers? 【S2】__

    found the views from the train dramatic? 【S3】__ 【S4】__

    welcomed a chance to relax on the trip? 【S5】__

    was never disappointed by the journey? 【S6】__

    has a reason for feeling grateful to one special train? 【S7】__

    traveled on a railway which is no longer in regular service? 【S8】__

    regretted not going on a particular train trip? 【S9】__

    used to travel on the railway whenever possible? 【S10】__

    learnt an interesting piece of information on a train journey? 【S11】__

    took a train which travelled from one country to another? 【S12】__

    says that the railway had been looked after by unpaid helpers? 【S13】__

    was once considered not old enough to travel by train? 【S14】__

    On the rails

    Five celebrities tell Andrew Morgan their favourite memories of railway journeys.

    A Andrea Thompson—Newsreader

    I fell in love with the south of France a long time ago and try to get back there as often as I can. There's a local train from Cannes along the coast which crosses the border with Italy. It takes you past some of the most amazing seascapes. It never matters what the weather is like, or what time of the year it is, it is always enchanting. Out of the other window are some of the best back gardens and residences in the whole of France. You feel like someone peeping into the property of the rich and famous. The travelers themselves are always lively because there is an interesting mix of tourists and locals, all with different itineraries but all admirers of the breath taking journey.

    B Rod Simpson—Explorer

    I have enjoyed so many rail journeys through the years, but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the Nile Valley Express, which runs across the desert of northern Sudan. The one misfortune in my youth, growing up in South Africa, was missing out on a family train journey from Cape Town to the Kruger National Park. I was regarded as being too young and troublesome and was sent off to an aunt. When I came to live in England as a teenager, I still hadn't travelled by train. London Waterloo was the first real station I ever saw and its great glass dome filled me with wonder.

    C Betty Cooper—Novelist

    I am indebted to one train in particular: the Blue Train, which took my husband and me on our honeymoon across France to catch a boat to Egypt. It was on the train that my husband gave me a pink dress, which I though

  • 听力原文: In this job, you would call on schools and colleges. You would visit typing classes, demonstrate new machines and talk to school officials in an effort to interest them in buying our typewriters, We pay two hundred and fifty pounds a week plus 5% commission on sales.


  • The film (show) ______in the cinema now does not attract many people.

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