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Even though education is compulsory for children in the United States, it is not compulsory for them to go to a conventional school to get that education. in every one of the 50 states ,it is legal for parents to educate their children at home,or to" home school" their children. Although no state requires parents to have special training to home school their children,the regulations parents must follow vary widely from state to state. New Jersey,for example ,imposes virtually no requirements. In contrast,New York requires home schoolers to notify their school districts, file instructional plans and frequent reports, and submit the results of tests or other forms of assessment for each child.


Increasing numbers of American families have been opting for home schooling. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics,about 1. 1 million children were being home schooled in the spring of 2003. This represents an increase from the 850,000 who were being home schooled in the spring of 1999. In addition, the home-schooling rate-the percentage of the school-age population that was being home schooled-increased from 1.7 percent in 1999 to 2.2 percent in 2003.


A survey conducted in 2003 asked parents to give their most important reasons for home schooling their children. Thirty-one percent cited concerns about the environment in conventional schools, including safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure. Thirty percent said that the most important reason was to provide religious or moral instruction. Sixteen percent said that the most important reason was dissatisfaction with academic instruction at conventional schools. Parents gave other reasons, too; for instance, many said that they wanted to strengthen family bonds or allow their children more freedom.


It is difficult to show whether conventional schooling or home schooling works better. Home-schooled children tend to score significantly higher than the national average on college entrance tests. But educators say that it isn't easy to determine how meaningful the figures are,given the complexities of making direct comparisons. In the debate about home schooling, socialization is more of an issue than achievement. Advocates of conventional education believe that home-schooled children are at a disadvantage because they miss out on the kinds of social interaction and relationships with peers that are an essential part of a total education. Advocates of home schooling say that home-schooled children are not socially isolated;they think that home-schooled children have a larger social structure because they can be out in the world,in contact with people of different ages,and having experiences that they could never have in conventional schools.

Questions 1-5 Choose the best statement (A. B, C or D) for each sentence.

The word conventional ,means____.()

A. relating to a meeting

B. following what is normal or usual

C. following a religion

D. educational

According to the passage,increasing numbers of American families are choosing home schooling. What information does the author give to support this statement?()

A. In every one of the 50 states, it is legal for parents to educate their children at home.

B. Thirty-one percent of parents say that the most important reason for home schooling is concerns about the environment in conventional schools.

C. The number of children who were being home schooled increased from 850,000 in 1999 to about 1.1 million in 2003.

D. A survey was conducted in 2003.

Scan the passage to find the answer to this question: How many of the parents surveyed in 2003 said that the most important reason for home schooling their children was dissatisfaction with academic instruction at conventional schools?()

A. 1.1 million

B. 30 percent

C. 16 percent

D. 2.2 percent

Three of the following statements give facts,and one gives an opinion. Based on the reading passage,which one is the opinion?()

A. Home-schooled children are at

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  • Only a few of our features are written by our journalists: we get______of them from freelance writers.

    A. none

    B. some

    C. most

    D. all

  • Culture Clash?

    It was the World Cup Final of France '98 that sparked the introduction of television into Bhutan. The 3-0 victory of the home side over Brazil was watched by thousands on a big screen in Bhutan's National Square,__16__Six months after that, global TV broadcasting was allowed in. It was this second development that really made people wake up to life in the twentieth century and caused profound change, according to TV analyst Shockshan Peck. 'Young people are now much more in tune with globalisation and what is happening around the world,'she says. 'The risk is that the more we learn about the world, the more we lose of our own culture.'

    Bhutan has no film industry to speak of, and after a diet of cultural and educational programmes from BBS, some Bhutanese began to look for something a little more spicy.__17__ The TV avalanche began, and along with it came a change in people's lifestyles. Residents of the capital, Thimphu, say they are now glued to the TV for several hours a day, and often stay up late to watch the non-stop stream of programmes. Long-running Indian soap operas beamed from across the border ire hot favourites. One viewer, Choki Wangmo, says that her children go out and play less, and that television dominates family discussions these days. Her son, Ugyen, admits that his studies are affected because he cannot concentrate in the classroom. 'I keep thinking about what will happen next in the story,'he says.

    Also popular are cartoons, football matches, and the wrestling series from the US.__18__ Kinley Dorji, editor of Bhutan's only newspaper, says that when TV first came in, he received several pained letters from students, saying they were shocked. 'Bhutanese kids who have grown up in this quiet country, this very rustic society, suddenly saw these big men beating each other upon television. They couldn't understand it.'__19__ 'We received a report from a school where a student broke his arm after being thrown to the ground by his friend, who was emulating the wrestlers.'

    Kinley Dorji says that television is 'splitting' Bhutanese society. He explains that the thinking in the country is that it will never be a military or economic power, so its strength must be its unique society. He believes that TV represents a direct threat to this. __20__ 'If you look at the items being stolen, like TV sets, tape recorders and clothes, it' s directly related to what they're seeing,' he adds.

    A. The latter is at the centre of a debate about the influence of television on Bhutan' s young people.

    B. He also links television to a rise in crime over the period that it has been broadcasting.

    C. It was such a success that a year later, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his coronation, the king decided to begin the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS).

    D. However, it was not long before the children started doing it themselves.

    F. So they turned to multi-channel TV, through satellite in the countryside and cable in the towns.

  • ______admit that most people are not interested in being informed.

    A. You have to

    B. You decide to

    C.The other hand to

    D. As far as I

  • A: I don't like watching TV soaps. I think they are a waste of time.

    B: I______that. Millions of people are addicted to them!

    A. can tell

    B. wouldn't say

    C. 'd never thought of

    D. agree with

  • Maggie Banes looked __26__at her watch—as she had done every few minutes for the last three hours. __27__ it was nearly eight o'clock. 'Where on earth is Jill?' she thought.'It isn't like her to be so late.’__28__,she picked up the plate of sandwiches she'd made for tea and went to the kitchen. __29__the door opened and Jill walked into the house. She looked tired. 'What a relief! Are you OK?' said Maggie loudly. 'Yes, I'm fine, Auntie,'replied Jill. 'I'm so sorry I'm late, but something strange happened on the way here.'__30__,Jill explained that, in her hurry to get through the woods, she had tripped and knocked herself unconscious. When she woke up, she realised she was lost. 'I walked around for ages until I found the right path. Then I ran alt the way here.

    A. Reluctantly

    B. Just then

    C. anxiously

    D. To her aunt’s amazement

    E. She was dismayed to see that

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