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  • A.立春后,春耕太忙李节在全国大部分地区由南向北逐渐展开
  • B.公历每年的5月6日左右,太阳达到黄经135°,为立夏节气
  • C.在气候学上,以每5天的日平均气温稳定在22℃以下动始日作为秋季的开始
  • D.我国古代将立冬分为三候:“一候水始冰,二候地始冻,三候维入大水为届”

相关标签: 气候学  

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  • 气候评价就是运用气候学的原理和方法,对某一时期的气象条件这一自然因素给国民经济建设和人民生活所带来的影响,进行科学的客观分析评定。气候评价的内容包括对气候条件本身的评价和气象条件对人们的社会活动与经济活动影响两部分。根据上述定义,下列不属于气候评价的是()。A:有关部门预计,百年一遇的西南大旱将会导致全国的米价、鲜花价格上涨
  • Forecasting Methods There are several different methods that can be used to create a forecast. The method a forecaster chooses depends upon the experience of the forecaster,the amount of information available to the forecaster,the level of difficul ty that the forecast situation presents,and the degree of accuracy or confidence needed in the forecast. The first of these methods is the persistence method ; the simplest way of producing a forecast. The persistence method assumes that the conditions at the time of the forecast will not change. For example,if it is sunny and 87 degrees today,the persistence method predicts that it will be sunny and 87 degrees tomorrow. If two inches of rain fell today,the persistence method would predict two inches of rain for tomorrow. However,if weather conditions change significantly from day to day, the persistence method usually breaks down and is not the best forecasting method to use. The trends method involves determining the speed and direction of movement for fronts, high and low pressure centers,and areas of clouds and precipitation (降水量).Using this information,the forecaster can predict where he or she expects those features to be at some future time. For example, if a storm system is 1,000 miles west of your location and moving to the east at 250 miles per day,using the trends method you would predict it to arrive in your area in 4 days. The trends method works well when systems continue to move at the same speed in the same direction for a long period of time. If they slow down, speed up,change intensity, or change directions,the trends forecast will probably not work as well. The climatology (气候学)method is another simple way of producing a forecast. This method involves averaging weather statistics accumulated over many years to make the forecast. For example,if you were using the climatology method to predict the weather for New York City on July 4th,you would go through all the weather data that has been recorded for every July 4th and take an average. The climatology method only works well when the weather pattern is similar to that expected for the chosen time of year. If the pattern is quite unusual for the given time of year, theclimatologymethod will oftenfail. The analog method is a slightly more complicated method of producing a forecast. It involves examining today’s forecast scenario (模式)and remembering a day in the past when the weather scenario looked very similar (an analog). The forecaster would predict that the weather in this forecast will behave the same as it did in the past. The analog method is difficult to use because it is virtually impossible to find a predict analog. Various weather features rarely align themselves in the same locations as they were in the previous time. Even small differences between the current time and the analog can lead to very different results.The analog method should not be used in making a weather forecast when A the analog looks complicated.B the analog is more than 10 years old.C the current weather scenario is different 什om the analog:D the current weather scenario is exactly the same as the analog.
  • 共用题干第一篇
    Forecasting Methods
    There are several different methods that can be used to create a forecast. The method a forecaster chooses
    depends upon the experience of the forecaster,the amount of information available to the forecaster,the level of
    difficulty that the forecast situation presents,and the degree of accuracy or confidence needed in the forecast.
    The first of these methods is the persistence method,the simplest way of producing a forecast.The per-
    sistence method assumes that the conditions at the time of the forecast will not change.For example,if it is
    sunny and 87 degrees today,the persistence method predicts that it will be sunny and 87 degrees tomorrow.
    If two inches of rain fell today,the persistence method would predict two inches of rain for tomorrow.
    However,if weather conditions change significantly from day to day,the persistence method usually breaks
    down and is not the best forecasting method to use.
    The trends method involves determining the speed and direction of movement for fronts,high and low
    pressure centers , and areas of clouds and precipitation(降水量).Using this information , the forecaster can
    predict where he or she expects those features to be at some future time.For example,if a storm system is
    1,000 miles west of your location and moving to the east at 250 miles per day,using the trends method you
    would predict it arrive in your area in 4 days.The trends method works well when systems continue to move
    at the same speed in the same direction for a long period of time.If they slow down,speed up,change intensi-
    ty,or change directions,the trends forecast will probably not work as well.
    The climatology(气候学)method is another simple way of producing a forecast. This method involves
    averaging weather statistics accumulated over many years to make the forecast.For example,if you were using
    the climatology method to predict the weather for New York City on July 4th,you would go through all the
    weather data that has been recorded for every July 4th and take an average.The climatology method oniy
    works well when the weather pattern is similar to that expected for the chosen time of year. If the pattern is
    quite unusual for the given time of year,the climatology method will often fail.
    The analog method is a slightly more complicated method of producing a forecast.It involves examining
    today's forecast scenario(模式)and remembering a day in the past when the weather scenario looked very
    similar(an analog).The forecaster would predict that the weather in this forecast will behave the same as ii
    did in the past.The analog method is difficult to use because it is virtually impossible to find a predict ana-
    log.Various weather features rarely align themselves in the same locations as they were in the previous time.
    Even small differences between the current time and the analog can lead to very different results. Which of the following factors is NOT mentioned in choosing a forecasting method?A:Necessary amount of information.B:Degree of difficulty involved in forecasting.C:Practical knowledge of the forecaster.D: Creativity of the forecaster.
  • Forecasting Methods There are several different methods that can be used to create a forecast. The method a forecaster chooses depends upon the experience of the forecaster,the amount of information available to the forecaster,the level of difficul ty that the forecast situation presents,and the degree of accuracy or confidence needed in the forecast. The first of these methods is the persistence method ; the simplest way of producing a forecast. The persistence method assumes that the conditions at the time of the forecast will not change. For example,if it is sunny and 87 degrees today,the persistence method predicts that it will be sunny and 87 degrees tomorrow. If two inches of rain fell today,the persistence method would predict two inches of rain for tomorrow. However,if weather conditions change significantly from day to day, the persistence method usually breaks down and is not the best forecasting method to use. The trends method involves determining the speed and direction of movement for fronts, high and low pressure centers,and areas of clouds and precipitation (降水量).Using this information,the forecaster can predict where he or she expects those features to be at some future time. For example, if a storm system is 1,000 miles west of your location and moving to the east at 250 miles per day,using the trends method you would predict it to arrive in your area in 4 days. The trends method works well when systems continue to move at the same speed in the same direction for a long period of time. If they slow down, speed up,change intensity, or change directions,the trends forecast will probably not work as well. The climatology (气候学)method is another simple way of producing a forecast. This method involves averaging weather statistics accumulated over many years to make the forecast. For example,if you were using the climatology method to predict the weather for New York City on July 4th,you would go through all the weather data that has been recorded for every July 4th and take an average. The climatology method only works well when the weather pattern is similar to that expected for the chosen time of year. If the pattern is quite unusual for the given time of year, theclimatologymethod will oftenfail. The analog method is a slightly more complicated method of producing a forecast. It involves examining today’s forecast scenario (模式)and remembering a day in the past when the weather scenario looked very similar (an analog). The forecaster would predict that the weather in this forecast will behave the same as it did in the past. The analog method is difficult to use because it is virtually impossible to find a predict analog. Various weather features rarely align themselves in the same locations as they were in the previous time. Even small differences between the current time and the analog can lead to very different results.Which of the following factors is NOT mentioned in choosing a forecasting method? A Necessary amount of information.Breativity of the forecaster.Cegree of difficulty involved in forecasting.D Practical knowledge of the forecaster.
  • 气候学上用候均温来划分四季。一般来说,候均温高于(  )为夏季。





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